Missing options in RPi4

I’ve been using HA for 5 o 6 years already in a Raspberry Pi 3B and since some months ago it started to go very slow and unstable (problems installing updates, rebooting and so on) so I decided to upgrade to RPi4. Everything runs smoothly so far but I’ve realized I miss a couple of option in the new installation:

  • Quick reload: in my RPi3 installation, if I click on the 3 dots in Settings screen and then on restart, I get 2 options: Reboot or Quick Reload. In the RPi4 installation I only can perform a full reboot.
  • Remote access: Under Settings → System → Network, in my RPi3 installation I have the option to configure the external URL I have to access my instance, but this option does not appear in my new installation.

Thanks a lot for your help

Check that your user profile has Advanced Mode enabled.

No, I’ve no idea why it’s disabled by default despite pretty much being required for the owner account to be able to do 99% of the things you need to do.

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Was the RPi3b+ up to date with HAOS and HASS updates before the upgrade please?
I suspect you’re looking in the wrong places possibly after UI updates.

EDIT: Advanced Mode

Quick reload: in my RPi3 installation, if I click on the 3 dots in Settings screen and then on restart, I get 2 options: Reboot or Quick Reload. In the RPi4 installation I only can perform a full reboot.

  • Settings → system → top right 0 → Quick Reload
  • Hover the mouse on the blue top bar → c for command → reload → pick one of the several options that appears. Also try restart.

Remote access: Under Settings → System → Network, in my RPi3 installation I have the option to configure the external URL I have to access my instance, but this option does not appear in my new installation.

  • Settings → Network → Home Assistant URL
    (can’t fully test as I use Nabu Casa so pre-configured)

Caveat: I’m using a Yellow with a CM4 rather than a RPi4, but apart from small HAOS driver differences, believe they all run the same HASS container image on top.

If this helps, :heart: this post!

Thank! It was advanced mode. I thought it was enabled as I have installed Terminal and SSH addon, which requires advanced mode. Now everything is ok.