Missing options?


Perhaps I’m stupid, but my Home Assistant installation is missing some key features I guess?
I’m unable to find the Automation Editor, Scene Editor and Scripts Editor.
In the past this was in the sidebar. But after a long time of not using HA and updating to 0.107.5 I can’t find them anymore.

Here you go,.

Or go to:


Nope, it’s not there…
I’m accessing HA via Nabu Casa as of this moment

You need to enable advanced mode. Click on your name in the left down corner, and in the next screen enable advanced mode.

Thanks for your reply, but advanced mode is turned on.
I don’t get it…

You need this in you configuration.yaml file:

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

I noticed later that indeed these lines were gone.
Added them again but now HA is not even starting up?

Do you have automation:, script: and/or scene: somewhere else in your config? You can’t have it twice.

No, only have it on one spot in my configuration.yaml file

Can you access the logs?

Yes I can, at the end of my home-assistant.log file it states the following:

2020-03-30 21:44:26 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http] Failed to create HTTP server at port 8123: [Errno 98] error while attempting to bind on address ('', 8123): address in use

Could it be a dead instance of HA in Docker?

Even after restarting the NAS with Docker and Home Assistant, the issue persists.
What could possibly be wrong?

OK. I managed to fix it with the netstat command.
Also the missing options are back somehow?

Thanks for the support.