Missing parameters Zwave Device (NAS-PD07Z) in Zwave JS

Hi All,

I have a new Zwave device: Neo Coolcam NAS-PD07Z
I have add this in Zwave JS and its working. But there are settings missing.

Below someone created a correct product information with all the setting options.
How can I update the file in Zwave JS so I can reinitiate this device and able to have the settings in Zwave JS?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns='https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave' Revision="2">
        Neo (Coolcam) NAS-PD07 Motion Sensor (PIR)
        No official manual available
        No official image available
        Not mentioned on https://www.szneo.com/
        Does not figure on https://products.z-wavealliance.org
        <MetaDataItem name="Name">Neo (Coolcam) NAS-PD07 Motion Sensor (PIR)</MetaDataItem>
        <MetaDataItem name="WakeupDescription">Press and hold the button for 5s until white led lights is on, then release the button before led turn off.</MetaDataItem>
        <MetaDataItem name="InclusionDescription">Set gateway in inclusion mode. Press and hold the button for 5s until white led lights is on, then release the button before led turn off. Blue led will blink with 1s interval until inclusion succesful.</MetaDataItem>
        <MetaDataItem name="ExclusionDescription">Set gateway in exclusion mode. Press and hold the button for 5s until white led lights is on, then release the button before led turn off. Blue led will blink with 0.5s interval until exclusion succesful.</MetaDataItem>
        <MetaDataItem name="ResetDescription">Press and hold button for 10s until pink led lights is on, then release the button before led turn off.</MetaDataItem>
            <Entry author="David J" date="20 october 2021" revision="1">Initial version, based on PD03Z file</Entry>
    <!-- Configuration Parameters -->
    <CommandClass id="112">
        <Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="Led indicator enable" value="1" size="1">
            <Help>v2 This parameter is configured the led light on disable or enable.
            <Item label="Disable - Disable led blink. This configuration is not affect inclusion, exclusion and reset." value="0" />
            <Item label="Enable - Enable led blink when device detects a motion event (default)." value="1" />
        <Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="2" label="Motion enable" value="1" size="1">
            <Help>This parameter is configured the motion detected if enable or not.
            <Item label="Disable - Motion detected disable." value="0" />
            <Item label="Enable - Motion detected enable (default)." value="1" />
        <Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="3" label="Motion alarm once enable" value="1" size="1">
            <Help>This parameter is configured the motion detected event report one time before motion event cleared.
            <Item label="Every time - Motion event alarm will be reported when motion event is detected every time (default)" value="0" />
            <Item label="Only once - Motion event alarm report only once before motion event cleared" value="1" />
        <Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="4" label="Luminance associated enable" value="1" size="1">
            <Help>Enables current light intensity to associate the motion event, if there has a motion event detected and the current light intensity is less then the settings is Configuration No. 16, the device will send a BASIC_SET to nodes associated in Group 2. And if the current light intensity is larger then the settings in Configuration No. 16, the device will not send BASIC_SET to nodes associated in Groep 2 (default).
            <Item label="Disable - Light intensity is not associated with motion event" value="0" />
            <Item label="Enable" value="1" />
        <Value type="list" genre="config" instance="1" index="5" label="Binary sensor report enable" value="1" size="1">
            <Help>Enables sensor binary report when device detects a motion event.
            <Item label="Disable - Disable sensor binary report when device detects a motion event." value="0" />
            <Item label="Enable  - Enable sensor binary report when device detects a motion event (default)." value="1" />
        <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="6" label="Motion sensitivity" value="2" min="0" max="15" size="1">
            <Help>This parameter is configured the sensitivity that motion detect. This value (0-15) is larger,the sensitivity is lower, and the distance for motion detection is closer.
        <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="7" label="Temperature offset value" value="0" min="-120" max="120" size="1">
            <Help>The current temperature measuring value can be add and minus a value (-120-120) by this setting.
                Temperature Offset Value = [Value] x 0.1 degree Celsius / Fahrenheit (US).
        <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="8" label="Humidity offset value" value="0" min="-120" max="120" size="1">
            <Help>The current humidity measuring value can be add and minus a value (-120-120) by this setting.
                Humidity Offset Value = [Value] x 0.1 RH%.
        <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="9" label="Temperature D-value setting" value="10" min="0" max="120" size="1">
            <Help>This configuration sets the changed value (0-120) of the temperature. When the difference from the last report exceeds this setting value, the device will report current temperature value to Z-Wave hubs.
                D-value = [Value] x 0.1 degree Celsius / Fahrenheit (US).
        <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="10" label="Humidity D-value setting" value="20" min="0" max="120" size="1">
            <Help>This configuration sets the changed value (0-120) of the humidity. When the difference from the last report exceeds this setting value, the device will report current humidity value to Z-Wave hubs.
                D-value = [Value] x 0.1 RH%.
        <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="11" label="Luminace D-value setting" units="lux" value="50" min="0" max="120" size="1">
            <Help>This configuration sets the changed value (0-120) of the luminance. When the difference from the last report exceeds this setting value, the device will report current luminance value to Z-Wave hubs.
        <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="12" label="Basic set level" value="100" min="0" max="100" size="1">
            <Help>This parameter is configured the value (0-100) that BASIC_SET for nodes that associated in Group 2.
                100 -	BASIC_SET = 0xFF (ON)
                0 -	BASIC_SET = 0x00 (OFF)
        <Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="13" label="Motion blind time" unit="second" value="8" min="1" max="8" size="1">
            <Help>This configuration is configured the time interval (1-8 seconds) between two motion events triggered, during this period the motion detector will not be triggered even there has someone move in front of motion detector.
        <Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="14" label="Basic set off delay time" unit="second" value="30" min="0" max="30000" size="2">
            <Help>This configuration is configured the time delay (0-30000 seconds) for device sending BASIC_SET = 0x00 to nodes that associated in Group 2 when device detects a motion event.
                0 -	Not send BASIC_SET = 0x00 command.
                1 ... 30000 -	Time delay count.
        <Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="15" label="Motion clear time" unit="second" value="30" min="0" max="30000" size="2">
            <Help>This configuration is configured the time (0-30000 seconds) to clear motion event after a motion event detected. Time to motion clear, the device will send a clear event report to controller.
        <Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="16" label="Luminance threshold for associated" unit="lux" value="50" min="0" max="1000" size="2">
            <Help>This configuration is configured the light intensity threshold (0-1000). When ambient intensity is less then this setting , device will consider the current environment is sufficient light. If Configuration No. 3 is set '1' and a motion event is detected, the device will send a BASIC_SET to the nodes which associated in Group 2.
        <Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="17" label="Sensor measuring interval" unit="second" value="180" min="0" max="30000" size="2">
            <Help>This configuration is configured the time interval (0-30000 seconds) for light sensor, temperature and humidity sensor measuring. This value is larger, the battery life is longer. And the sensor values changed are not obvious [SIC].
                Note that default value is 180 for (battery) Low Power Mode (LPM) and 10 for (DC power) Always On Slave (AOS).
                0 -	All sensors are disabled.
        <Value type="short" genre="config" instance="1" index="99" label="Light intensity offset calibration" value="5320" min="1" max="32767" size="2">
            <Help>This parameter defines the calibrated scale (1-32767) for ambient light intensity. Because the method and position that the sensor mounted and the cover of sensor will bring measurement error , user can get more real light intensity by this parameter setting. User should run the steps as below for calibrating.
                1 -	Set this parameter value to default (assumes the sensor has been added in a Z-Wave network).
                2 -	Place a digital luxmeter close to sensor and keep the same direction, monitor the light intensity value (Vm) which report to controller and record it. The same time user should record the value (Vs) of luxmeter.
                3 -	The scale calibration formula : k = Vm / Vs
                4 -	The value of k is then multiplied by 1000 and rounded to the nearest whole number.
                5 -	Set the value getting in 5) to this parameter, calibrate finished.
                For example, Vm = 300, Vs = 2000, then k = 300 / 2600 = 0.11538
                k = 0.11538 * 1000 = 115.38 - 115
                The parameter should be set to 115.
    <!-- Association Groups -->
    <CommandClass id="133">
        <Associations num_groups="2">
            <Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Lifeline" />
            <Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Control Commands BASIC_SET" />

Nobody? :slight_smile:

  1. Update the config file yourself, following the detailed documentation, and submit a PR
  2. Or submit a bug report, filling in the requested information, and wait for someone to pick it up

zwavejs2mqtt has documentation on how to use custom config files if you pick choice 1. If you’re using the official Z-Wave JS add-on, then sorry, you’re out of luck. Nothing you can do but wait for someone else to update the file, unless you have the ability to access the add-on container yourself.

Also with zwavejs2mqtt, even if the config parameter is not defined in the device file, you can still manually program it (using param number, value, and size).


Im using the Add-on so have to wait when they will update the configuration file.
Did a missing configuration request


@poudenes is there any news about the missing configuration request?

Currently, when looking at the NAS-PD07Z Configure Device page is see the following.

It looks like the Configuration options are loaded properly, however, the values are not loaded properly. This also makes it impossible to adjust any of the values.

Does your issue correlate with the problem I’m having or should I create a new topic?


Had some contact with Zwave and it seems all ok. There was nothing that has been changed by them.
Neo Coolcam build different versions under same product id… thats what me told