Missing robot model: Dreame Z10 Pro Laser vacuum cleaner in Xiaomi Integration


I have a Dreame Z10 Pro Laser vacuum cleaner wich works over the Xiaomi App.
I want to integrate the robot in Home Assistant, but i seems like the robot is not supported.
Please add the model dreame.vacuum.p2028 in the integration.


This took me hours to find but you can really easily add the Z10 Pro or L10 to Home Assistant with the Miot Auto integration.

  • Go to HACS
  • Explore & Download Repositories
  • Search for Xiaomi Miot Auto and add it
  • Restart Home Assistant
  • Open HACS again, click on Xiaomi Miot Auto, scroll down a bit and click the blue button ADD INTEGRATION
  • Enter your MiHome credentials and voila, your Z10 Pro is added to Home Assistant

Thanks :slight_smile: Yes I did that a couple of weeks ago too. Works fine. Took me alot of time to find out.

And while you are in HACS, dont forget all the hard work by piotrMachowski and others on the Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor which now works for the Z10/L10 and the Xiaomi Vacuum Map Card

This is the only way I control my z10 vac now!

All we need is someone at dreame to fix the drifting maps… why cant we add brick walls that dont move? every week or so i have to load an old map because my map drifts so bad i have a meter wide strip that gets missed!


I recently setup my new Dreame z10 Pro with Home Assistant. I’m using the custom Xiaomi Map card but the vacuum platform for Xiaomi Miot configuration is not supported (yet?). What vacuum platform are you using now? I can see the map and controls work but the map is not updating and zone cleaning doesn’t work.

EDIT Map is actually updating. Only issue are The zone cleaning commands.

yeah the map updating seems slow, only comes up a while after cleaning or something

the zone cleaning commands are a pain in the bum to set up, there are guides on how to do it on github, see this post https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card/discussions/318
and here https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card/discussions/317

I ended up making a excel spreadsheet to do most of the work for me. rather than sharing a spreadsheet ill post in pseudo code. so the first row is the 4 values returned from the popup (in post 318 above), the room ID, name and icon I set to my liking in row 3

590	        -1302	        4370	    2754
RoomID	    RoomName	    Icon	
5	        Dining	         mdi:countertop	

then in a cell i have the following equation

=CONCATENATE("          - id: ",A3,"
            outline: [[",A1,",",D1,"],[",A1,",",B1,"],[",C1,",",B1,"],[",C1,",",D1,"]]
              text: ",B3,"
              x: ",((C1-A1)/2)+A1,"
              'y': ",((D1-B1)/2)+B1,"
              offset_y: 35
              name: ",C3,"
              x: ",((C1-A1)/2)+A1,"
              'y': ",((D1-B1)/2)+B1)

this gives me a text string that i can copy and paste directly into the yaml config for the card

if it helps here is my full card config

  - type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
    entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
    vacuum_platform: default
    debug: false
      camera: camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
      camera: true
    camera_calibration: true
    two_finger_pan: true
    map_locked: true
    title: Ruby
      - template: vacuum_clean_zone
        max_selections: 1
        repeats_type: EXTERNAL
        max_repeats: 5
          service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
            entity_id: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            siid: 4
            aiid: 1
              - piid: 1
                value: 19
              - piid: 10
                value: '{"areas":[[[[selection_unwrapped]],[[repeats]],1,1]]}'
            force_params: true
      - template: vacuum_clean_segment
        max_selections: 1
        repeats_type: EXTERNAL
        max_repeats: 3
          service: xiaomi_miot.call_action
            entity_id: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            siid: 4
            aiid: 1
              - piid: 1
                value: 18
              - piid: 10
                value: '{"selects":[[[[selection_unwrapped]],[[repeats]],3,3,1]]}'
            force_params: true
          - id: 1
              - - 4688
                - 10055
              - - 4688
                - 5434
              - - 732
                - 5434
              - - 732
                - 10055
              text: Room1
              x: 2710
              'y': 7745
              offset_y: 35
              name: mdi:bed
              x: 2710
              'y': 7745
          - id: 2
              - - -7308
                - 10055
              - - -7308
                - 6880
              - - -3669
                - 6880
              - - -3669
                - 10055
              text: Room2
              x: -5488
              'y': 8467
              offset_y: 35
              name: mdi:bed
              x: -5488
              'y': 8467
          - id: 3
              - - -2441
                - 5047
              - - -2441
                - 1273
              - - 579
                - 1273
              - - 579
                - 5047
              text: Living Room
              x: -931
              'y': 3160
              offset_y: 35
              name: mdi:youtube-tv
              x: -931
              'y': 3160
          - id: 4
              - - 943
                - 5188
              - - 943
                - 2472
              - - 3806
                - 2472
              - - 3806
                - 5188
              text: Kitchen
              x: 2374.5
              'y': 3830
              offset_y: 35
              name: mdi:countertop
              x: 2374.5
              'y': 3830
          - id: 5
              - - 590
                - 2754
              - - 590
                - -1302
              - - 4370
                - -1302
              - - 4370
                - 2754
              text: Dining
              x: 2480
              'y': 726
              offset_y: 35
              name: mdi:countertop
              x: 2480
              'y': 726
      - label: Status
        entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        attribute: status
        icon: mdi:robot-vacuum
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-unknown
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-unknown
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-outline
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-outline
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-alert
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-alert
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-charging-10
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-charging-10
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-charging-20
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-charging-20
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-charging-30
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-charging-30
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-charging-40
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-charging-40
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-charging-50
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-charging-50
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-charging-60
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-charging-60
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-charging-70
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-charging-70
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-charging-80
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-charging-80
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-charging-90
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-charging-90
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-charging-100
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-charging-100
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-10
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-10
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-20
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-20
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-30
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-30
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-40
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-40
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-50
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-50
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-60
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-60
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-70
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-70
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-80
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-80
      - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
        label: Battery
        attribute: battery_level
        icon: mdi:battery-90
        unit: '%'
        tap_action: none
          - entity: vacuum.dreame_p2028_e5ea_robot_cleaner
            attribute: battery_icon
            value: mdi:battery-90
      - label: Fan Speed
        entity: vacuum.ruby
        attribute: fan_speed
        icon: mdi:fan
      - label: Mop
        entity: vacuum.ruby
        attribute: waterbox
        icon: mdi:water
      - label: Filter
        entity: vacuum.ruby
        attribute: filter_time_left
        icon: mdi:air-filter
        unit: ' h'
      - label: Main Brush
        entity: vacuum.ruby
        attribute: main_brush_time_left
        icon: mdi:atom-variant
        unit: ' h'
      - label: Side Brush
        entity: vacuum.ruby
        attribute: side_brush_time_left
        icon: mdi:axis
        unit: ' h'

Hi guys. Thanks for the great support.

I am on FW 4.1.8_1156 and after adding the HACS integration and adding my device, I am only getting a status sensor; no vacuum entity appears…

Any thoughts?

Grts Joost

Thank you so much for posting your config, this helped me setup my own dashboard

Does this integration also work for Dreame Bot W10 pro ? I am considering to buy one, but I am not sure if I can integrate it with home assistant.


It works initially then falls over… not sure why.

The integration worked fine for months but suddenly since a couple of days the dreame z 10 pro cannot be found anymore?

GitHub - Tasshack/dreame-vacuum: Home Assistant integration for Dreame Gen2 Lidar robot vacuums with map support This repo is the one you definitely want to check out.


Doesn’t look like xaiomi is supported anymore.