Missing sensor data

Hi all,

I am trying to develop a personal project in which I get the soil humidity, temperature and humidity from an external device using the sensor template entity. After some days working I have noticed that when the data read is the same (I perform a read every 5 min) that the last one, this value is not taken into account. I guess that this could be an improvement to save memory but in my case it is something that I would prefer to avoid.
Why could I prefer to “waste” memory? I prefer that to avoid to have the results I got:

As you can see, in the ADC_0 readings (soil sensor) it seems that for a period of time the soil humidity has been growing up progressively but the fact is that it should increase in less than 5 seconds (I put water and it is almost instantaneous).
Is there any possibility to store all the data even it is the same value that the last one?
What I expect is to have as below graph:

Thanks for your help,

I think it depends on the platform the sensor uses, but if you are using MQTT you can add force_update: true which sorted out a similar issue for me in influxdb graphs

  - platform: mqtt
    state_topic: "/energenie/eTRV/Report/Temperature/329"
    name: "Lounge Temperature"
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    force_update: true
    expire_after: 660

Thanks a lot! That is what I was looking for.