I’m new to HA. I’m using Raspberry Pi with a SSD. I installed HACS and I believe one other add on that was suggested. I’ve also hit the upgrade button for ‘HA Core’. I’m in the process of setting up back up to Google Drive and found that the ‘Supervisor’ and ‘Configuration’ tab is no longer in the menu bar.
No the menus changed in 2022.5.
Where do I find ‘Supervisor’ and ‘Configuration’ or their equivalent in the new menu.
Hello all i too have the same issue. I’m running 2022.5.4. I updated now because i found out that the issue with z-wave was fixed.
Under settings i do not see a configuration tab
i see a system tab that says create backups check logs or reboot your system. I click on this and i see a restat button on the top right hand corner but no checking configuration or supervisor option.
i tried to see vidseos and vlogs to no avail.
what am i doing wrong.
Plerase advise
Thank you in advance for your help and patience
Restarting checks config anyway, so there really is no need.
But if you want to, it is now under developer tools, just like the release thread tells you.
Thank you for your reply. early this morning i did fid it where you mention. odd place.
My understanding is with the 2022.5 version the setting were going to be more intuitive.
putting it under developer - tools - yaml could be useful when a developper is in this area,. however i would suggesat that these 2 functions be “also” in the setting area.under system (this would be logical)
i still did not find the supervisor option which was in ver 2021. i do see it as installed in settings about.
again thank you for your patience
press ‘c’ in HA web ui, you can restart in the resulting dialog. If it comes up with a list of sensors type ‘>’ to get to the list of commands.
Hell Thank you for your reply
when you say press “c” what do you mean?
sorry for my ignorance
thnank you for your patiernce
I mean press the “c” key on the keyboard.
Thank you @nickrout i never saw this before. kool shortcut