Missing "unit of measurement" in utility meter

is that possible to reset entities attributes back to default value so that I can re-use the entities name back? The reason I want to do this because I have one utility meter behave strangely as no “unit_of_measurement” assign to it but if I create a new one with different name then the unit will come back. Or is that any other manual method to add back the “unit of measurement”?

I been try below method

  1. Reset values of utility_meter - #76 by whoismoses
    not working

  2. manually delete the entities, restart HA, add back the entities with same name but previous value come back.

  3. Energy dashboard displays "No statistics" despite working utility meters - #2 by Oliv
    I use HA addon SQLlite to manually add the “kWh” but didnt show up in entities as well.

  4. I use the developer states to set as below

    this only work temporary, once restart HA, kWh unit will missing again from the entities.

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anyone have a fix for this?

above solution solved my problem !
just need to customize the entities for add in the “unit of measurement” & “device class”

      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
      device_class: energy


Hi! Same problem here, do you have any solution without customize since that?

so far “customize” method work great. I can’t find any other method at the moment

When customization is done and works, do we need to remove the yaml line in the config file ?
Or should the customize: lines stay ?


didn’t notice your message, just remain extra line there, so far working fine.