Missing Values

This question is a follow-up to the topic here.
Given the suggestions, the overall architecture used in my deployment was changed:

  1. RPI 4 2GB was changed to an RPI 4 8GB (which led to an increment of 20% CPU speed and, four times more RAM and a 64bits OS);
  2. Overall software update, and a reduction of running services;
  3. The EasyHan has also been modified to read the values with the highest resolution possible;
  4. The RPI has a static IP, instead of relying on the mDNS from the router (some users pointed out that this is detrimental for MQTT-based sensors).

After re-deploying the HA service, the results are nicer:

However, I still have some 5-minute gaps in the values from the MQTT devices.
Bellow there are the values of the EasyHan import and Tasmota Power Plug consumption.
The missing values are aligned, but there is no issue with the logs (either Mosquitto, MariaDB or HomeAssistant).


Is there a way to debug this?
Any suggestions to improve this?