I’m new to HA and have been using a smartthings hub to control Z Wave devices. Now that I’m migrating over to hassio, I’ve started to try and use an aeotec multisensor 6 to control lights. First thing I’ve discovered is that I don’t have a z wave control panel in my front end UI. I do not see the sensor states changing at all in Home Assistant.
I feel like this is the first step to making things work. I cannot find any instructions specific to using the smartthings hub as a z-wave device. Is this not possible with the ST hub? Any assistance is appreciated.
I have learned that the panel is only present for local z-wave stick, so I’ll likely purchase one of those…
I have integrated SmartThings awhile ago, but the aeotec sensor doesn’t seem to be playing with Home Assistant.
I am able to control my z-wave leviton switches, but when the aeotec sensor detects motion, I can see the green light, the state change will be reflected in my SmartThings control panel, but I don’t see the state change in HA.
I’m thinking this could have something to do with the binary sensor platform??
I do see all the different sensors that the device includes, but the motion shows no activity for the past 24 hours, while SmartThings shows a constant stream of detections while we move about the house.
Bought an Aeotec Z-wave stick 5th gen… plugged it in, and nothing happened with HA. I performed an update to some items in Hass.Io tab, and now I cannot connect any longer. So, this problem is ongoing for me.