Mitishbishi Heat Pump control using MAC-558IF-E wifi adapter

Has anyone achieved adding Mitsubishi Wi-Fi Control to Hassio?


Tried using but cant get passed the login point

DEBUG:main:Login …
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: “POST /Mitsubishi.Wifi.Client/Login/ClientLogin HTTP/1.1” 200 249
ERROR:main:Login/Password invalid !
Invalid Login/Password !

I can confirm user/password is correct guessing this script is for AirCon not Heat pump if there is a difference?

I see that my Heat pump goes to not Looked into the does anyone have any clues? Or is this not compatible with Mitsubishi Heat Pumps?

Being in Australasia I would also like to get this going (and have tried your above links in the past also) although I really have no idea what I am doing. Blundering my way through the basics with home assistant let alone stuff like this. Thought I would point out this link though… you may know how to work this one better than me.

Sorry I know it’s 2 years after your post but even if you’re not interested still others like me may still be trying to work it out and find this. Or maybe you even got it going and can help us out? :slight_smile:

Managed to get mine going with NodeRed and a flow that logs into Mitsubishi Cloud service.