Mitsubishi AC Integration and AE-200

Hi all,

Does anyone know whether the Mitsubishi (MelCloud) integration can support the AE-200 controller? Alternatively, whether there’s a way to integrate that controller into HASS?

Thanks in advance for any pointers / insights.

Yes I’d love to know this. I’ve been playing around with the websocket API (Postman) the AE-200 HTML5 web interface uses.

It’s more of a commercial system so I’m doubting anyone’s done the work, but I’d happy look at it is any could point me to a starting point or existing code that could be adapted?

Following James’ suggestion of using the AE-200’s websocket API I have created a new custom integration that does just that.


  1. Copy the files from the git repo into <config_dir>/custom_components/ae200/ and restart Home Assistant

  2. Edit configuration.yaml and add one or more platform entries under climate

  - platform: ae200
    controller_id: name_of_controller  # used as part of entity id's
    ip_address: <ip_address>
  1. Restart Home Assistant and a new entity will be created for each unit of the controller.

How can I learn about the xml protocol of ae-200? How did you figure out how the web socket api works?

Thank you

Also looking for ANY help on integrating with this!?

@JamesLodge - you mention websocket and HTML5, yet my AE-200 seems to have an archaic (and I don’t use that word lightly) Java applet interface!?

If you could point me in the right direction I would be so grateful!

Kind regards, Tim

I can’t find any traces online of the existence of this other than this thread and your repo - nor can I connect to it on my AE-200. Please can you point me in the right direction…!? Thanks in advance.

Just for anyone else getting here - the HTML interface is at /control/index.html?en and it maintains a separate username/password from the main screen (i.e. new firmware requires administrator and “ad” followed by the “DP” code from the label, even if you’ve changed this on the device itself).

You can then sniff this to get the XML web socket packets.


Just in case it’s useful for someone - I’ve been struggling to establish a websocket connection from Node-RED. Well, after a few hours of wireshark packet-level testing I’ve learned that the AE200 will drop incoming connections that don’t have the “Origin” header set to a value. “null” works fine.

From there on I think you can just use the web GUI and dev tools to inspect the XML packets coming and going to achieve what is needed (as this home assistant interface does). I’m not sure if some settings need authentication, so that’s next on my list to look at.