Mitsubishi AC with Wemos D1 Mini Pro

Unfortunately you have to compile your own as default tasmota bin doesn’t include the mitsubishi library.
It’s not very difficult but you do need to research a bit.
I do it with a docker container created by blackadder

There’s also a Web page to do this. You’ll find ‘how to’ videos in you tube

@brendan @juan11perez Thank you!

After digging deeper, I found that compiling tasmota bin in Gitpod was way easier than I thought. I said I didn’t know how cuz I couldn’t get it to work with ESP32 WROOM. I got some 8266 yesterday and used tasmotizer to load the bin and it worked right away.

Let me answer my own questions here which may help some others.

The Italian page that @JuanSA00 posted was by far the easiest. Used google translate and I didn’t have a bit of problem following the instruction. It took about 20 min from downloading the first software to connect to HA. Once added to HA, the card shows right up, no extra codes need to insert.

Tasmota route requires to add codes in configuration.yaml for each one and add card manually. If you want to use Tasmosta and doesn’t know much about ESP, use something that tasmotizer supports like ESP8266, not ESP32. Follow the instruction from and download the bin file which was based on tasmota 11.1. Or if you want to use the latest version, watch this

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I like how you’ve put your header board on so that the pins extend out to the side (and not up or down). I’m thinking this would make the installation a bit easier.

I also have about 10 seconds delay on (read) updates. Is this normal?
update_interval: 500ms
seems to have no impact.

I have an Mitsubishi Heavy Industries SRK35ZSXA-W-S 3.5 kW

and only have a working OUTDOOR unit

is their anyway to connect to the outdoor unit and emulate its indoor unit working ? saves me replacing $500+ part then …

Yes. I found this mqtt implementation somehow has very bad lag. I have switched to esphome integration here.

There is no delay.

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I am using geoffdavis’ implementation. there is no delay in sending actions, but there is a bigger delay in receiving status updates in HA, see HVAC status updates take up to 25 seconds to appear in Home Assistant · Issue #114 · geoffdavis/esphome-mitsubishiheatpump · GitHub

Interesting. I am not sure if you are talking about using dumb remote and receive update which I have not tested. If I control everything through esp The status update is about 1 second lag for me. The only issue is quickly changing settings does not work the smoothly.

Yes I’m talking about all HVAC updates not initiated by the ESP (e.g. dumb remote)

Hi, anyone who has modified a newer mitsubishi heat pump with built in wifi? Is it the same process just that you need to remove the built in wifi unit first?

Today I modified an MSZ-AY with the Swicago software. I removed the Melcloud WiFi from the CN110 connector and connected the ESP to the CN105 connector.

It all works well!

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Thank you I’ll soon get a MSZ-FT, I’ll check if it can be modded as you say.

I successfully added ESP8266 Wemos D1 Mini Pro to ESPHome and add a Climate Component to Home Assistant. Controlling of the Mitsubishi Electric MSZ-FH25VE works (baud rate is 2400!)

I noticed that now I can create an automation to change the mode [HEAT_COOL, COOL, HEAT, FAN_ONLY], but there is no possibility to adjust temperature in automation. Temperature can be adjusted manually through the HA UI from Climate Component.

My question:
Has someone found a way to add temperature control also to the HA Automation?

EDIT: Thanks Jesse! This works now:
Service as the action, then pick Climate: Set target temperature

My ESPHome yaml is here and couple of pictures.
And one hint:
I need to reboot my RaspberryPi 3 every time before I compile the ESPHome code or otherwise compilation fails!

  name: esphome-web-dabe93
  friendly_name: ESPHome ILP YK

  board: esp01_1m

# Enable logging
  baud_rate: 0
# Enable Home Assistant API


  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "yyyyyyyyyy"
    password: "xxxxxxxxxx"


# Enable Web server.
  port: 80

  # Sync time with Home Assistant.
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: homeassistant_time

# Text sensors with general information.
  # Expose ESPHome version as sensor.
  - platform: version
    name: ESPHome Version

# Sensors with general information.
  # Uptime sensor.
  - platform: uptime
    name: Uptime

  # WiFi Signal sensor.
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: WiFi Signal
    update_interval: 60s

  - source: github://geoffdavis/esphome-mitsubishiheatpump

  - platform: mitsubishi_heatpump
    name: "ILP"

    hardware_uart: UART0
    baud_rate: 2400
    update_interval: 1000ms
      min_temperature: 15
      max_temperature: 30
      temperature_step: 1.0

You’ll want to choose Service as the action, then pick Climate: Set target temperature

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I was wondering if anyone knows if multiple devices can plug into the CN105 port. I currently have a redlink thermostat connected to the HVAC that way and was wondering if a simple splitter would allow both a D1 Mini and the Redlink Adapter to both be connected to the same port

Edit: After some research I am going to guess no. It uses UART which doesn’t allow for multiple devices. A way it could work is to Daisy chain them with a multiple UART bus device in the middle. But that isn’t supported currently.


I’m using D1 mini clones and when I use the web interface of esphome the AC works and I can view the info of AC but in homeassistant everything is unavailable.
Can be the problem in Tx Rx? Or something in esphome config? Because is strange to work using the web interface.

try deleting from home assisting and adopting again

Don’t seems to work.

I have this error in web browser:

star eyes emojis

I also have this error in esphome log:

WARNING acquartoesquerdo: Connection error occurred: Ping response not received after 90.0 seconds
INFO Processing unexpected disconnect from ESPHome API for acquartoesquerdo
WARNING Disconnected from API
INFO Successfully connected to acquartoesquerdo in 0.387s
INFO Successful handshake with acquartoesquerdo in 0.022s

Could the web browser be conflicting with the homeassistant API?