Mitsubishi Electric A/C with Broadlink Mini 3

Hey guys,

With the change of seasons coming up, I’m looking to alter my A/C automation for turning on/off. From what I can gather, the remote codes sent when turning on tell it what mode and temp to heat/cool too. As it’s winter here, I’ve got an on command and off command to heat for winter, but now with summer coming up, I need to teach it on/off for cooling.

As these remotes are pretty dumb, and they send codes based on the last used mode, I’m looking for a way to learn the codes I need, and then turn that into a panel with heat and cool mode option, and turn on and off toggle.

I’m thinking I need to have 2 switches for the A/C in the broadlink config. One for heating, and one for cooling, but then have maybe an option to pick between the 2, then have a turn on off switch that turns on the relevant switch depending on heat or cool mode.

Also, I have some automations that would need to be turned on or off depending on what mode it’s in.

As I’m only a few months into Home-Assistant this is way beyond my skill level so I’m reaching out in the hope that someone can point me in the right direction on how I can set this up. I’ve seen a few screenshots of people’s thermostate setups, and something similar would be would I’m aiming to achieve.

Thanks in advance for any advice provided.

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Take a look at mysensors platform. It’s easy to build and with it you can have full control over a/c in HA as it is integrates as a climate component.

Thanks for that.

Not exactly what I’m looking for. I don’t need to build anything. I have a Broadlink RM Mini 3 for controlling my A/C. I just need a way to make it all work how I want.