Mitsubishi Kumo Cloud Integration

FWIW this is what I came up with: Two vertical stacks so things stay good on my iphone. Each stack is 1 climate card, 2 4x2 grid, 3 entity card and 4 weather card. The grid has a picture_elements in each cell using disabled elements of the climate cards.

Thanks again for your work and comments.

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Okay, Im pulling my hair out on this one. I’ve yet to see anyone with the specific issues I’m having so I’ll report as much as I can here and hope to help with as much information gathering as possible.

I’ve recently installed a single split in my house with the WiFi adapter, my phone and the web app connect just fine to the KUMO cloud and control the head as expected.

Installing HACS and then the 0.2.5 Kumo integration went as expected until I go to input my username/password. It reports back invalid credentials at this point. There are no special characters in my email or password, just an alpha-numeric mix.

If I add the kumo: information to my config.yaml and restart HASSIO when I go to add the integration on the config>integrations, it will a that point accept my username and password, however it will not add the head as a climate integration. It will interestingly populate the kumoinfo JSON with what appears to be valid data.

A subsequent restart of the HA server will then result in the integration failing to load with the following:
"Logger: homeassistant.setup
First occurred: 9:35:29 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:35:29 AM

Setup failed for kumo: Integration failed to initialize."
"This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.kumo
Source: custom_components/kumo/
Integration: Kumo (documentation)
First occurred: 9:35:29 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:35:29 AM

Could not load config from KumoCloud server or cache"

Also note that prefer local cache enabled or disabled yields the same results.

Ive tried to use the new beta and after entering my credentials it prompts me with the name of my head with its MAC address. If I press the next button, I get an “Invalid Flow” error in the HA ui.

I hope this is a good starting point to figure out what I’m doing wrong.

Please, any help is much appreciated.

I’ve made a new beta that fixes a problem with the config flow that lets you enter IP addresses and rolls up a couple unrelated corrections. If I can get confirmation that it works OK from someone who has the missing-IP problem, I’ll turn this into a stable release.

I have not 100% followed the issue, but I on-boarded my 5 zone Kumo setup recently using v0.2.7-beta2, and it very nicely prompted me to fill in all 5 IPs. I got gray text with the MAC and name and simply entered the IPs. It has been smooth sailing, Home Assistant wise ever since.

Great, thanks! I’ll promote the latest beta to release.

I just setup up my newly installed system in Home Assistant and the integration couldn’t have gone any smoother. I entered my username and password and my head unit showed up immediately. Great work!
One question is the lovelace card… I have the heat, cool, dry, etc settings and temperature control in the standard thermostat card. Is there a way to add the swing mode and fan mode?

What’s the model of your indoor unit? The library & integration does support these features if they’re detected (but not horizontal swing, which we haven’t found in the indoor unit’s API).

There are some skeletal instructions at the pykumo GitHub page for getting the raw response direct from the indoor unit. Posting that here (scrubbed of personal information) might give us a clue.

The head is an MSZ-FS15NA. I did find the fan and swing modes under the three dots menu. I’ll look at supplying the raw response data if it’s helpful.

Yeah, that’s where they show up. Are you seeing something different for any other climate entity?

I have the exact same issue. I opened an issue on Github and started trying to debug, but got distracted by other things, despite @parkercat pointing me in the right direction. Maybe I will dig into it tonight…

Been using this integration for months with zero problems. Had to update some of my network stuff and it caused HA not to see the device. So I deleted the integration and started over from scratch.

I install the repository in HACS then go to integrations and install Kumo from there. I put in email and password and it says success and shows the integration is installed. Now how do I get a device and entity created so I can install a thermostat card?

Should be creating them all automatically of course.

Any errors from the logs when adding the integration you can share?

Have you deleted the old cache file to make sure a clean one is getting created?
kumo_cache.json in your configuration directory.

How many devices show up after add the integration?
Screen Shot 2021-12-13 at 5.27.03 AM

Hi - I just deleted that cache file, restarted the server, deleted the integration, installed the integration. Same issue it seems and it shows NO devices or entities.

Here is what i’m seeing in the log file…weird it finds the correct IP address in there. In one of my attempts to fix this i provided the IP address but not in this installation. But that IP address is correct for my mini unit.

Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0xa57da5e0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] Host is unreachable')': /api?m=458b08a4f4895b000b705a2b83eaced360d491fb482ca0f95080f8a8f14f9cc6

8:13:35 AM – (WARNING) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/urllib3/ - message first occurred at 8:06:27 AM and shows up 20 times

Platform kumo not ready yet: None; Retrying in background in 30 seconds

8:13:24 AM – (WARNING) Climate - message first occurred at 8:06:30 AM and shows up 2 times

Kumo could not set up any indoor units (try 1 of 10)

8:13:24 AM – (WARNING) Kumo (custom integration) - message first occurred at 8:06:30 AM and shows up 6 times

Kumo Barn could not be set up

8:13:24 AM – (WARNING) Kumo (custom integration) - message first occurred at 8:06:30 AM and shows up 6 times

Error retrieving status

8:13:24 AM – (WARNING) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pykumo/ - message first occurred at 8:06:30 AM and shows up 6 times

Timeout issuing request HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /api?m=458b08a4f4895b000b705a2b83eaced360d491fb482ca0f95080f8a8f14f9cc6 (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0xa647f5e0>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=1.2)'))

8:13:24 AM – (WARNING) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pykumo/ - message first occurred at 8:06:30 AM and shows up 6 times

When you say “Had to update some of my network stuff” what did you do specifically? If your HA instance can’t reach the device, sounds like you do have a network issue, and the problem isn’t necessarily with this integration. Can you ping from HA to Are you doing some strange NAT / VLAN / Firewall stuff?

Yea i’m pretty sure its a network thing and not the integration but hoping you can help me pin point the problem. I can use the Kumo app on my iPhone no problem so that tells me the mini-split itself can talk to the network. However when i ping from my laptop or from the HA (rasbpi) server i can not reach that IP address.

I’m running a Ubiquity mesh network and i had to update the firmware. When i did that I had to restart some of the devices on the network to reconnect to the wifi network. For most devices (HA included) it was a non event.

Any ideas why my app can connect and talk to the minispllit but i can’t ping from the HA device?

@DaveInPA I’m happy to try to help, but we probably should move it off this board, as it’s off topic. I’ll message you directly.

Hey Dave, I recently moved from an eero-based network to a Unifi one, and I have noticed that my units seem to struggle to stay connected which results in them going “offline” in HASS for a minute or so throughout the day. This didn’t happen with my eero network and I’ve spent a lot of time trying to troubleshoot. In general, it is a minor inconvenience and I’ve added some smarts to my automation to capture when units come back online. This may not be super helpful other than to say, you aren’t alone!

ok - i did a full factory reset at the minisplit itself and reinstalled the integration and i’m back up and running!

I’d like to give this integration a try; according to the GitHub page it should be available in the official Home Assistant Integrations, but I’m unable to locate this plugin in the Integrations Configuration section. Has it been delisted?

It’s not in Home Assistant proper. It’s in HACS, the Home Assistant Community Store: . There are some folks who are slowly working toward getting it into HA proper but HACS is so useful it’s a lower priority.