Mitsubishi Kumo Cloud Integration

I’m experiencing some weird behavior… I’ve created a sensor template that takes the actual current temperature from my Mitsubishi HVAC units (via Kumo) so that I can graph it over the set temperatures to see the discrepancies. I’m seeing these negative spikes on all my HVAC units:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Suite Actual Temperature"
        state_class: total
        unit_of_measurement: '°F'
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.suite', 'current_temperature') }}"

Has anyone else experienced this, or have some advice? Am I doing it wrong? Thanks in advance!

state_class: total is definitely wrong. That should be measurement (or just not set) – temperature is not a quantity that can be summed over time. But I don’t know if that would cause this type of issue. The bad readings seem pretty regular. Is it possible your indoor unit is dropping off the network?

Did anybody have issues logging into the Kumo HA integration - it is telling me that it cannot authenticate.

Also when i go to the following website i am unable to accept the user agreement - but i am able to login to the app.

Should i wait for our equipment to get installed install date is Feb 14.

What sensor is the Kumo using for ambient room temp? Especially for the wall mounted indoor unit, using the builtin temp sensor can get you bad readings esp if the exhaust airflow is deflected somewhat back to input.

KUMO uses the return air sensor unless you are using the little cube remote sensors.

If you are using the PAC-USWHS002-WF-2 adapter and have an MHK1 or the like plugged into the Kumo adapter’s CN105 connector, it will use the temp from the MHK1 as the ambient temp - it’s passed through the Kumo adapter on to the indoor unit.

The -1 version doesn’t have that CN105 connector, so it can’t read room temps without that wireless sensor.

Thanks so much for this integration @parkercat it is one of my favorites! I wish Kumo Cloud itself was as reliable. :slight_smile:

Speaking of which, I just had quite an adventure reconnecting all of my mini-splits to Kumo Cloud and Home Assistant after a wifi and router upgrade. I created a Gist with some notes and lessons learned, which might help others facing connectivity issues. I definitely ran into a few issues mentioned on this thread. :sweat_smile:

Some great info there. I’m going to quote you here on something you wrote, that I think might be beneficial to a whole bunch of folks:

So back into Installer Settings . I clicked on the unit there, and under Advanced , there is a Refresh Setttings option. Bingo! This resynchronizes the state of the device with Kumo Cloud, apparently. Clicked that, restarted HA again, and finally, it shows up!

I’ll add this to the README for the plugin as well. Good stuff!

Thanks for this tip, but it doesn’t seem to be working for me. I have 8 indoor units, but turned up 3 that were in the mechanical room first. These came up right away and worked just fine. I then added the 5 other units, but for some reason, even if I remove the integration and reinstall it, I can’t get the other 5 units to show up as controllable.

the Kumo integration sees them - when I do the configuration, I can set the IP addresses of all the units, including the 5 new ones, but only the first 3 units show up as devices, with 3 thermostat entities.

I went through and did the refresh settings, but it hasn’t fixed this problem. All the Kumo adapters are on the same subnet and are reachable from HA.

I can control everything in the app just fine.

In the logs I do show this error:

Logger: pykumo.pykumo
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pykumo/
First occurred: June 10, 2022, 5:37:04 PM (69 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:29:00 AM

Error retrieving status

Any idea as to what’s going on?


See Interactive use (README) . Follow those steps using a Python shell, especially the “Raw information from indoor unit”. Seeing the error you are seeing indicates the indoor unit is not reporting back what’s expected.

I had this added, configured, and working for a few months now, then some point last week the climate entity stopped communicating and showed as orphaned by HA. I have tried reloading/restarting, then deleting the orphaned entity and restarting, then removing the integration, redownloading, and going through the setup again, but still no luck. The Signal Strength sensor is there and updating as expected, but no climate entity. Is there a discovery step I’m missing?

There was a major new release (v0.3.0) in the past couple weeks, with support for some more modern Kumo equipment (Kumo Station and MHK2). Did you upgrade? If so can you downgrade to v0.2.8 and see if that fixes it?

If not, the most common thing that goes wrong is that your indoor unit gets a new IP address and the KumoCloud service doesn’t pick up on that. See the “Installer Settings” note under

I was just reviewing this thread and having the same issues with my unifi network. Turns out the new Unifi user interface doesn’t expose turning on 802.11b legacy mode support. You have to go to the old user interface to set this option.

I did that and it improved my devices stability a lot, at least so far.

v0.3.0a - my unit is only 2 years old and has the MHK2. I’ve reserved the IP in DHCP and refreshed settings in the installer area. That didn’t change things. I then removed the integration, down graded to 0.2.8, restarted, added the integration back, and although the device shows up, there is only the signal strength sensor. Upgrading back to 0.3.0a keeps showing the device and sensor, but nothing else. Configured the configuration.yaml to include prefer_cache and provided the local IP - no change.


Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 249, in _async_setup_platform
await asyncio.shield(task)
File “/config/custom_components/kumo/”, line 104, in async_setup_entry
raise ConfigEntryNotReady(“Kumo integration found no indoor units”)
homeassistant.exceptions.ConfigEntryNotReady: Kumo integration found no indoor units

Is there a way to “help” the setup find indoor units?

Seeing similar issues. Looking at the JSON when using pykumo, seeing:

'unitType': None

I hacked the hass-kumo with this minor change and things seem to be working for me:

---	2022-06-28 18:46:02.414126911 -0500
+++	2022-06-28 18:45:42.246833461 -0500
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
     coordinators =[DOMAIN][entry.entry_id][KUMO_DATA_COORDINATORS]
     entities = []
-    indor_unit_serials = await hass.async_add_executor_job(account.get_all_units)
+    indor_unit_serials = await hass.async_add_executor_job(account.get_indoor_units)
     for serial in indor_unit_serials:
         coordinator = coordinators[serial]

Hmm, interesting. Does your kumo_cloud.json include anything for unitType for these indoor units? This file is a verbatim copy of what’s retrieved from the KumoCloud service. My indoor units (and presumably those of Brendan, the author of the KumoStation support) all list “ductless” for unitType.

If not there must be some other way we can ID these units as indoor units. If you can’t figure it out, scrub your kumo_cloud.json of passwords, serial numbers, etc. and post it in a new issue over on GitHub

Not seeing anything obvious to tell its a ductless unit. Was curious what unitType values exist outside of None and ductless.

I posted the json dump on github:

I looked at my file and it currently has the line:

indor_unit_serials = await hass.async_add_executor_job(account.get_indoor_units)

I can’t find any file called kumo_cloud.json - just and kumo_cache.json. In the latter, I have a single unitType with value mvz