Mitsubishi MELCLOUD integration with Home Assistant

@gezquerra I’m pretty sure you’ve stumbled upon a bug in the pymelcloud library. The auth endpoint responds with a HTTP 200 even when the login fails. In the best case you tried adding the integration with an incorrect password. In the worst case the captcha references in the api response have materialized as a bigger problem.

Does anyone know if the same controllers that are compatible with melcloud have the old Java applet built into them?

(I am working on a way to integrate controllers that have the java applet.)

I don’t think the API is compatible with anything else nor anything Java. It looks like a C# + Cordova stack with pretty tight coupling between the components.

I didn’t quite get what devices you are looking at and are they accessible on

Sorry for late reply. I can see that they have removed that functionality from the app now. :frowning:

@vilppuvuorinen sorry for the late reply, pre-MELCloud there was a different type of local controller (the particular model I have is the GB-50A) it had a java applet to control it and was accessible on the local network. I heard that some newer controllers still have the applet built in, but haven’t been able to verify it.

@Johnyyy I thought I would have seen it if it was there. I don’t know if the MELCloud user interface actually covers any products completely.

@adgelbfish How is this applet accessible? I’d like to test if it is available on my device. It could provide some additonal control or info I’m not getting through MELCloud.

@vilppuvuorinen Do a port scan of your device and see if any ports are listening for http.

if yes, try to go to /en/administrator.html
or do a post to /servlet/MIMEReceiveServlet with headers: {‘Content-Type’: ‘text/xml’} and post data

    <SystemData Version="*" TempUnit="*" Model="*" FilterSign="*" ShortName="*" DateFormat="*"/>

and see what you get back

Hi, I’m trying to understand how to extract the API key from my account on melcloud but I can’t.
How do I retrieve the X-MitsContextKey header ?

Maybe it was already answered, but I am wondering where I can setup to restart from 0 the energy consumption every month or year?

Thanks in advance

I have the LN25 and it definitely seems that you cannot control the left and right vertical vanes separately like you can with the actual remote that came with the device. This is not really a big deal to me, but I’m facing an issue where the vane control always reverts back to swing-mode if I try to change it to anything else. With the remote I can change it to 2 for example and it will stick. Honestly this does not seem to be an issue in the Home Assistant integration but it also happens when controlled through the MelCloud app. Do you experience the same behavior @Johnyyy?

I could probably reach out to Mitsubishi about this, but no idea what their customer support is like.

Just switched from o0Zz integration to the official one and otherwise so far so good (I think the same issue was also on that, but never tried it). Thanks for working on this one Vilppu.

Figured this out. Have to define both vertical and horizontal vanes for the controls to work. So basically can not have vertical set as a specific value like 3 while having horizontal mode as swing. Setting horizontal mode first to middle (3) for example and then setting the vertical vane works OK.

Hi guys
Does anybody knows how to check the number of star/stop compresor operations per hour in the MELCloud app? Is for an ecodan unit with ftt5 controller. Panasonic aquarea and many other air to water heat pumps can show this data in their cloud services.

is it possible to split the two vertical fans now?

vane_horizontal_positions (auto,split vertical)
If so, is there any example?

Think it’s not possible as it’s a limitation in MELCLOUD.

Thanks Thomas. I have talked with the swedish support and try to push them. Do you have a contact at melcloud?


I also contacted them as there’s no dedicated support in Finland, which is fine. I guessed correctly that they do not have any control over Melcloud but they told me that they forwarded my request to their app support team in the UK. Haven’t heard back since early August however. Also good to know that it took quite a while for the swedish support to respond.

Just got my LN35 installed and also waiting for MelCloud to add dual wing support.
Great job with the MelCloud integration, much appreciated!

-another finnish user…

Thank you for great integration. Works flawlessly with my HeatPump.
One question about wifi moudule (MAC-557). Since it is conected to my local network
i can reach module with assigned IP address. But it requires user & password.
What are default credentials?

Hi all Melcloud is now working with Alexa but still no integration with Google home

Google Assistant works fine via Home Assistant cloud Google Assistant integration.

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