Mitsubishi MELCLOUD integration with Home Assistant

Hi Tuoma, I just din t know how to connect Melcloud to Gooogle…

Hi. Practically you need to setup the Google Assistant integration either manually or via Home Assistant cloud (Nabucasa). The latter is easier, but costs 5 bucks a month. Then via that you can control pretty much all the entities that you have added to Home Assistant.

Thank you Tuomas

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hi all, anyone have issues with flow temperatures? they seem to always read 25degrees, even when melcloud platform provides real readings.

Hi, I have ERSC-VM2D + PUHZ-SHW140YHA Mitsubishi units. I need to power ON/OFF the system from remote. All melcloud integration with hassio works well, but as I read in a previous post the ON/OFF was removed from the integration. From melcloud app this can be done. Is there any way to do that?


I’m using official MELCloud integration to check on my Hydrobox unit. It correctly shows two entities accounting for Floor Heating and Water Heating. Question is: I’d like to monitor whether any of both is “on” as a status but I’m not able to see that info:

Screenshot 2020-12-09 233503

Operation only shows: Auto and force_hot_water…

I’m new to this so any idiot level help would be appreciated. How do I find this token ?

Configuration is also possible through configuration.yaml . The required authentication token can be found in X-MitsContextKey header when logged into the MELCloud. The language needs to be set to English and the “Remember me” option needs to be selected.

I tried logging in and pressing F12 as described earlier in the stream but do not understand where I find this token.

I have the same issue, did you manage to fix it ?


Hi, I’m trying to understand how to extract the API key from my account on melcloud but I can’t. How do I retrieve the `X-MitsContextKey` header ?

Did you find out how to do this and if so can you please share.

Look in here

Thanks for the advice. I managed to get the key and then following your directions I got the Building Id and Device ID from the return values, although my device id was 6 digits.

However when I run your last command

curl -v -H “X-MitsContextKey: 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxB” "

I get absolutely nothing returned.

Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong.

Just tested with my user, password, etc. and it works fine for me. Check the syntax and make sure it is exactly as I posted…

Thanks for your help. I cut and paste from your post and there must be a issue in that as when I retyped it, it worked. However I have found that the level of detail returned in the second command is much higher than the third so I will make use of that content. For instance the flow and return temperatures are not invcluded in the final return…

Hi, I’m new at Home Assistant and having a great time figuring everything out about this great sytem.
But I’ve run into a bproblem with my ATW heatpump.

I have a Melcloud ATW heatpump with 2 zones and 1 water heater.
Each zone has its own thermostat.
Problem is, I only get readings from 1 zone
I get following error messages.

Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor
Source: helpers/

2021-01-04 15:04:33 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Platform melcloud does not generate unique IDs. ID xxxxx-room_temperature already exists - ignoring sensor.warmtepomp_casa_bred_zone_1_room_temperature
2021-01-04 15:04:33 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Platform melcloud does not generate unique IDs. ID xxxxx–flow_temperature already exists - ignoring sensor.warmtepomp_casa_bred_zone_1_flow_temperature
2021-01-04 15:04:33 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Platform melcloud does not generate unique IDs. ID xxxxx–return_temperature already exists - ignoring sensor.warmtepomp_casa_bred_zone_1_flow_return_temperature

These are the entitys I can see.

Any help in solving this would be grately appreciated.



PS: see next post for another picture

This is a example of a entity.




As I am a new poster I have to post these over different rreply’s.
Sorry for that.

Last Image below:


As you can see it does have two zones only 1 is displayed.
Any help in solving this would be grately appreciated.



As a workaround for an Ecodan EHsc-YM9C to get the compressor start/stop amount, I did pick-up the output on Ecodan’s Hydrobox terminal and wired it to a shelly1 in order to get this information in HA. I will probably do the same to superwise the two additional electical heating elements.

Hi. I have same issue ans can’t figure out why.

Hi, in my case I am reading the compressor speed (available from the api) and i wrote a stupid automation to increase a counter whenever the speed goes to zero. It works pretty well.

@guidods , that’s sound amazing. Would you mind to share how you do it?