Mitsubishi MELCLOUD integration with Home Assistant

Mine isn’t reporting an error but the sensors aren’t being updated either. I’ve gone through Bruce Duncan’s process again. My REST sensors are OK though, with a new X-mits key (the 2nd new one today).
No new data from the MELCloud integration since 16:21 UT.

I can confirm what ValentinoRo said. Mine also started working, for now, after an hour or so.

This resolved it for me, at least for now.
I got a 401 in the logs from MelCloud twice in the past few days, and nothing helped except removing and readding the component, but it only helped for a few hours or a day or so.
We’ll see if this helps long term.

I did a “refresh token” before, and it didn’t work.
Just re-tested and it is working as usual. :pray:

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I had to refresh tokens 2 or 3 times, and now it works again (both- MEL integration and REST sensors).

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MELCloud just stopped again for me at 13:45 UT. I got yet another new context key & its back working again.
Has anyone automated the aquisition of the key using username & password to feed into the REST sensor header?

Same here. 20.11.2023 at 2:50 CET
The new token seems longer: 1digit-31digits-6digits-1digit

Same here too, 20.11.2023 at 2:50 CET

This is becoming pretty annoying… my 4 AC’s are also offline from yesterday. Another similar drop-out was not so long ago… I wish that these (japanese?) people wouldn’t mess with their melcloud so much…

I guess i’ll just have to switch to LOCAL. I hope that this esphome add-on still works…

Mine to restarted by itself several days ago and all tokens were still valid. But today all tokens were invalidated and now the token is in new longer format (with dashes). So maybe they just changed the “token system”

Mine broke as well. A good reminder not to trust cloud stuff.

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Hi all,

I used the sensor.yaml code and the template.yaml code (etc) for getting more values from melcloud through a curl command. It works fine for most values (temperature, Hertz, flow temperature, etc), but it looks like the daily values (daily energy consumed, etc) only update when I restart homeassistant/raspberry pi.

Do any of you know a solution for this?

Update: after restarting a few times it now also updates the daily values.

Broke here as well. Probably mid November. MELCloud app on the phone is working as before, so I guess it must be something with the MECloud HA integration. I follow this thread and hope for a solution.

Also realize I cannot log in to with my user/pwd.

Edit: My solution was to change the password (to the same as before). Delete the HA MELCloud integration. Reinstall the integration. → Seems to work again. Let’s see for how long…


Some users of my Hubitat integration for MELCloud have had issues as well. I can’t say for certain, but it may have something to do with the format of the authentication code returned when the HA integration is authenticating with the MELCloud service, or at least there could be some strange characters being returned at times in that code, which may explain some of the sporadic behaviour. I know that is not likely going to help end-users, it would be more something for the HA developers to look at.

I’d also suggest creating a separate topic to this one or finding one more closely related to the authentication issues, rather than posting on one for a feature request, that way it may be noticed more easily. Though I do notice your not alone, there have been plenty of others experiencing the same issue.

Is there a standard timeout for the rest yaml that will work?

I initially had it setup alongside the MelCloud integration but both stopped retrieving up to date stats and even the MelCloud app was stuck on same hot water temp.

Despite numerous restarts etc they didn’t work. I removed the yaml code and restarted and the integration worked again.

Is there an API query limit that having both methods conflicts with?

I had to get a new X-Mitscontextkey again just now having not noticed it stopped a few hours ago (another batch of performance data lost). However the MELCloud integration didn’t stop so I guess the process it uses of logging in with username & password continues to work.
Has no-one worked out how to login that way & feed the key into a REST setup? It looks possible - just beyond my fumbling attempts to get it to work.

I’ve tried this REST sensor to get the key but it isn’t working. Any suggestions?

  - resource:
    scan_interval: 0
      - name: "xmitskey"
        value_template: "{{value_json[0]['LoginData'][0]['ContextKey']}}"

Does anyone know the difference of the different flow temperatures that the rest API returns?

                            "FlowTemperature": 28,
                            "FlowTemperatureZone1": 25,
                            "FlowTemperatureBoiler": 25,

                            "ReturnTemperature": 25.5,
                            "ReturnTemperatureZone1": 25,
                            "ReturnTemperatureBoiler": 25,

I would have expected for example that FlowTemperature and FlowTemperatureZone1 would be the same here but they are not.

The flow temperature is the temperature at the tank output, the return flow temperature is the temperature of the water that return to the tank. The second one is lower because it pass across the heating elements.
Note that a 25°C value, if it never changes, is a strange manner to means “unavailable temperature”, for example if you have no active “boiler” and “zone1” or the relevant temperature sensor not installed.

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Readded the integration yesterday but now it broke again…