Mitsubishi MELCLOUD integration with Home Assistant

Yeah, I haven’t had time do this when I hsve 2 kids, full time job and house with garden to look after :nerd_face:

Would expect at least 99% uptime when I paid 12 500 USD for the heatpump…

Down again…??? O, man…

Yeah, well… people pay 100.000+USD for a mercedez, BMW … and they still don’t work “as a charm”…

But, i’m glad now that i went to esphome with all my climates. No such problems anymore :heart_eyes:


I guess you will have to disconnect the wifi module? So you will not get any firmware Updater from Mitsubishi?

Fortunatly I only integrate it to get the data. I have no use to control the pump as I have the room thermostat anyway. So its not relaly critical for me. Still annoying.

But yeah, the cloud service on our Kia sucks as well…

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At the store right now to purchase everything! I have 45 units ……

That is correct. Although given Mitsubishi’s lack of interest on keeping a good cloud service, I’m not sure there has ever been any update…

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I got one in january 2023 so its been a while for sure.

Still I guess you could just reconnect it once a year to see if there is an update. As far as I know you cannot do offline updates.

ooof don’t want to know what 45*melcloud adapters will cost. better try one of 2 units first if you like it, before doing them all

I think they only do the melcloud related updates right?

Not the heatpump firmwares. I’ve only seen those updated offline via the sdcard.

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only bought one today >) to test everything

Good job,but i need create better control of thermostat.Thanks

Melcloud air-to-air heatpump updates go through the wifi adapter from mitsubishi, since they don’t have an sd-card slot. So that’s still applicable to those air-to-air users

This is what i needed.Thanks for today’s update climate entities.Goodbye melcloud…

it’s still a bit beta the climate controls

Thanks for the climate update, looking promising! I think we can make the flow/room climate unavailable when in the room/flow mode. Also I think we could use the water_heater integration for DHW. I think climate is interfering with number, my flow temp gets reset now. Is there a place to discuss this development? There are no PRs and we are definitely hijacking this thread now :see_no_evil:

The standard climate controls are so-so, I probably need to write a custom climate component to take into account all the states, but a bit busy atm

Hi! I’d be really interested in having a 100% local setup.

That said:

  • I have never worked with esp32 devices before
  • I do have a MSZ-FT50VGK (indoor unit) / MUZFT50VGHZ (outdoor unit)

Any idea if that’d work with my unit? Thanks

I’m using $3 per unit (have 3 units), since Jul 4, 2018. Local 100%

Vlad’s solution works nice.

I you don’t want to tinker with wires, programming, etc. and avoid the risk of damaging your airconditioner’s hardware you could check out this project: ClimaControl

Works plug-and-play, more features than SwiCago(external sensor, melcloud optionally works in parallel) and has several hardware protections that these cheap development boards don’t offer.


Just for info: external sensor is also possible (and works perfectly) in solutions from geoffdavis an echavet where SwiCago library is used.
And, to be honest, i don’t see what hardware protections i would apply to the circuit… worst it can happen is if esp chip dies, in which case constant 3.3V will appear on Tx/Rx pins. Nothing would be damaged on climate, though.
But, it’s a great solution for those who don’t do soldering and price is very reasonable (way cheaper than original Mitsubishi).