Mitsubishi MELCLOUD integration with Home Assistant

Thanks for the tips.
Yes we observed that opening more circuits the peaks dissapears, but it’s complicated to control them.
Increase feed temp it’s a good option? I thought that a lower temp is better because it will cause to be more differences betwen feed and return
The flow rate of the system is between 10 and 13 with all open

A good option will be to stop cooling if the min power is not reached, but i’m not sure if this is possible

Best regards

output power = flow rate/60 * (feed temp - return temp) * 4.18

you need to lower the output power since you don’t have enough open circuit.

the only variables you can control:

  • adjusting flow rate. increase pump circulation. higher circulation allows more power to be dispatched. here the pump is at level 5 ( 21 liters / min)
  • adjusting feed temp (decrease to use more output power). the return temp depends on how many circuits you have open, and how much power it can absorb. The HP likes a delta temp of 3 degrees

easiest is to always open all circuits, set max pump speed and pick a feed temp that will give an output temp of at least the min output

keep an eye on condensation temp.

esphome compile ecodan-esphome.yaml

failing with
WARNING Found ‘${name}’ (see esphome->name) which looks like a substitution, but ‘name’ was not declared
WARNING Found ‘${friendlyName}’ (see esphome->friendly_name) which looks like a substitution, but ‘friendlyName’ was not declared
WARNING Found ‘${name}’ (see esphome->name) which looks like a substitution, but ‘name’ was not declared
WARNING Found ‘${friendlyName}’ (see esphome->friendly_name) which looks like a substitution, but ‘friendlyName’ was not declared
Failed config

esphome: [source .esphome/packages/224a9af1/confs/esp32s3.yaml:2]

‘$’ is an invalid character for names. Valid characters are: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_ (lowercase, no spaces).
name: ${name}
friendly_name: ${friendlyName}

any clues?

did you download latest yaml ? a lot of changes, one of them being moving user configs to avoid these problems in the future

I missed the file as I just duplicated the ecodan-esphome.yaml example in the readme

Everything working great here after the yaml adjustment.

in the future you don’t need to do this anymore, since the user specifics is in one file now. just rebuild and flash should be fine.

btw I hope that my post are not regarded as hijacking this thread here. I can start an own one if that’s preferred

Does it keep the settings after a power outage? I think I’ve had to set up again DHW and Zone 1 set points after unplugging and plugging…

Might be a good idea, let’s see what’s the consensus here

It should, the values are stored and reloaded. but we rarely have outages here.

was the value field different than slider control?

btw: you can flash a running system. upload firmware via web interface or via esphome command

I’ll double check. BTW, why are the labels (sensor names) appearing in lower case? I get this:

Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 8.06.04 AM

…instead of “Boiler Flow Temp”, “Boiler Return Temp”, etc… (ecodan-labels-en.yaml). Thanks!

Probably timing. recompile again, I just merged those changes yesterday

I just recompiled and reinstalled, still all lower case… Maybe labels should use (") quotes?

did you by chance edit the main yaml to use local files and instead of remote? if you use local files, Do a git pull first

Mmm, I did at first but then I deleted all local files and installed from scratch… Maybe they are cached somewhere? Interestingly enough, “DHW Forced” and “DHW Prohibit” do appear correctly upper-cased…

there’s still a timing issue I think. your post about updating came a minute after I merged the pr. so try git pull

or compare your main yaml with the github

casing is correct here so you must have used the previous translation

Good catch, all good now!

Melcloud seems down again or is it just me?

down again

Down for me also!

never down :see_no_evil: