Mitsubishi WF-RAC - (Smart M-Air)

Sounds great.

I’m in the thought process to decide between devices from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (SRK 35 ZS-WF + SRF 25 ZS-W) or Mitsubishi Electric (M-Series, MSZ-EF, MSZ-KT)…

Just be sure that the connecting device the airco is using is really the WF-RAC model.

so do I need the smart m-air app at all? How to connect otherwise to the unit?
I am connected to the ssid, but don’t know how to proceed…
I thought I saw a manual with an alternative configuration in browser IP adres, but can’t find it anymore…

I think you’ll have to use the Smart M-Air app to connect the AirCo to your home Wi-Fi the first time (how would you send it the password, otherwise?) but then you can uninstall it.

For this integration to work, you just have to know the IP address of your AirCo; for example, you can use a network scanner and see a device that in my case has a MAC address that starts with A0:43. Add its IP address to this integration and it should work!

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thanks. Actually, I just managed to connect using WPS mode. (As described in manual: router on WPS mode, on remote: menu button until SL shows, UP button once for E1, SET).
So no app at all. Maybe I miss some functions, I read about firmware update for example.
I saw the MAC adres and IP in my router then, but home assistant found it by itself and offered the configuration.
(I had used HACS and added the repository, restarted.)
Really easy from there.
Maybe the name of this configuration could reflect that it can work as alternative to the app.

Of course, the integration cannot update the firmware, but apart from that you’ll be OK!

Thanks for this - just had a SRK35ZS-WF and a SRK71ZR-WF installed (the wifi adapter now built in it seems) and this integration worked immediately out of the box on both of them. Excellent work!

Only thing I’ve found so far that’s odd is that the integration lets me set the temp down to 16C but the remote will only let me go to 18C.

Hey, can anyone help me with changing the temperature unit in the control section from Fahrenheit to Celcius? For the room temp sensors I can easily change it in the integration itself, but for the control sections I dont see any options to change it?

Thank you for creating this integration. I installed it via HACS and added my units.
I just wanted to be able to start cooling the rooms. And this works as expected.

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Im having a problem and thats theres no option for vertical swing. Is it even possible with the integration?

There is a options for vertical swing. It is not in the climate entity but available as a seperate service or select.

You can see it in the device of the integration.

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I think it is a setup issue with your home assistant because I never specified Fahrenheit.

I’m European so I use only celcius. And therefore use the integration and home assistant only with celcius.

That is strange.
Do we run the same version, which is: 2024.6
I only have these options:

Ow sorry my bad. I have the beta version installed. I will release it soon. The vertical swing is the swing direction in the climate entity.

You can also try the beta version if you check beta in hacs.


Thanks for sharing, worked like a charm!

Using this integration since the release and really love it. Thanks for the effort and the ongoing development. I noticed vertical swing is added to the beta and was wondering if there is a plan to add features like Silent mode?

I would like to add it but at the moment it is quite difficult because I use the smart-m air app as a reference (kind of command to send). And it not possible in the app (as far as I know of).

So to implement this I need to do a lot of debugging and testing. And then even don’t know if it is possible. Because it is possible that the wifi module does not know the silent command.

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Hi Jeatheak,
Looks great but…
As newbie I installed the MHI-airco in HA with HACS this evening. Restarted and the 4 airco’s were discovered in the network and already appear in the integrations.

When I try to submit the airco I get the message “There are too many devices registered for this airco. Please delete a device (in the app) or do a factory reset of the module.” Does not give me a clue to do.

Looking in Devices in the info I see the Fritzbox, not the Mitsubishi. The configuration has “Internet Access” that can be switched. Under Diagnostic there is only “unit-name-not home”. No thing like controls or sensors.

Where do I go wrong?
Thanks a lot, KR, Ed


It is just as the error says: the airco has to many devices registered.

The wifi module in the airco can only have up to 4 devices registered. So each smartphone that is using the smart-m air app is using 1 space.
Homeassistant will also take 1 place.

You can do the following things:
Remove the airco on 1 or more phones, to do this press and hold the airco in the app and choose remove.

If you cannot delete them anymore because you don’t have access to the app you need to do a factory reset. This is harder because you need to physically press the reset button on the wifi module that is present in the airco.

There is no way of doing this from within homeassistant unfortunately.

There must have been 4 devices registered, an old mobile not any more around. So I started with a complete reset of the wifi module (mine is outside the unit). I didn´t know how to delete an airco entry in the Smart-M-Air app, thanks also for that tip.
The first airco is now under WF-RAC and behaves very well.
The other 3 were a struggle until :face_with_spiral_eyes: I became aware that every integration has to be added as “Add integration”. This is not like devices that appear as notification (Newbie gets experience by stumbling over problems).
I can continue and the weather is warm enough to throw some airco cooling in.