Mitsubishi Wifi Module WF-RAC (Smart M-Air)

How do I add Mitshubishi integration. I went to HACS, and added the custom repository, it appears on the screen.Is there any other step. I added custom repository long time ago and forgot if there are any further steps to offlow.

The app needs an update. It came available this morning (for Android)

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Thanks, now it works on Android

In case anyone has a new unit with the built in wifi module and is running into the device limit with 4 devices registered. I found out that the built in module is exactly the same as the old unit, but the buttons are not exposed. Just remove the screws and the enclosure clips open easily. Then you can hold down the reset button to reset the wifi module and device limit.

:warning: NOTE: It is stupid to go into the unit while electricity is connected. You can get an electric shock! :warning:

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Hi, is there a way to establish the wifi connection without the mitsubishi app? It does not find the device but wifi was reset and Iā€™m connected to the AP of the device.

Probably I better go with the esp replacement?


And, It would be very useful the get connection to wifi module after with HA after repowering the airco. Now I have to restart HA everytime when the airco is switched on.
The reason I switch the airco off is because it consumes approx 6 watt in stand by modus.

Probably disabling the integration when the power-sw is off: Integration management - Spook šŸ‘» a scary powerful toolbox for Home Assistant.

Didnt try it yet

@miksu103 , does your remote allow you to factory-reset the unit?
I have the Ciaras; by pressing timer-off+3D for 5 seconds, then on/off for 5 seconds, it triggers a factory reset.
Maybe your control would allow something similar? Poking about a live circuit board - very dangerous, as you say!

All praise to Jeatheak for the awesome Mitsubishi Heavy integration! My Ciaras mostly are well-behaved.
However, Iā€™m seeing frequent ConnectionRefusedErrors [Errno 111].
And a bit later, problems with url /beaver/command/getAirconStat, stemming from again Connection Refused by the unit.
So: anyone have any idea why the units would be regularly (I see 5 times in 120 mins) refusing connections?