Mitsubishi Wifi Module WF-RAC (Smart M-Air)

On my phone there was an update for the Android version of Smart-M-air.
In the updated app there was a firmware update for the Wifi modules.

Installed it 22 hours ago. WF-RAC module has been connected for 22 hours, no more hourly disconnects (so far)

I can confirm that after the firmware upgrade to version 131 of the built-in WiFi modules, there are no more hourly disconnects.

@rubenejbr How did you change the name of the Airco device? Mine named 4 digits of its MAC address and I canā€™t find an option to change it in the smart air app

That would be so great. I tried ā€˜Better Thermostatā€™ in combination with your hack. My plan is to use a separate temperature sensor so that can control my AC behaviour

Unfortunately ā€˜Better Thermostatā€™ did not work with the Mitsubishi Wifi Module WF-RAC devices.

Iā€™m not @rubenejbr, but I will answer your question.

If you want to change the name of the air conditioner displayed in the app, tap ā€œDetailsā€ to display the detailed air conditioner window.
Hold the air conditioner name (1 second). The ā€œEdit air conditioner nameā€ dialog box opens. Here you can change the name.

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I tried the Better Thermostat too. But were not able to heat it cook the MHI acā€™s. Are you still using the Better Thermostat?

Yes I am. Not used the AC much lately, I guess something to further investigate when outside temperatures go up again.

Hi all,
I plan to create an automation to set the target temperature. What is the sensor of this itegration where save the wanted target temperature?

Maybe something like this?

      - service: climate.set_temperature
          temperature: '{{ temperature }}'
          hvac_mode: '{{ hvac_mode }}'
          entity_id: 'climate.{{ unit_name }}'
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Is it posible to change the Fan Mode when a target has been reached?

Do you mean the Fan speed or the (Hor/Vert) Swing mode?
Both can be changed.

Nice, can you telll me how?

Does this help you?

  # Fan speed
      - service: climate.set_fan_mode
          fan_mode: '{{ fan_mode }}'
          entity_id: 'climate.{{ unit_name }}'

  # Vertical swing direction
      - service: climate.set_swing_mode
          swing_mode: '{{ ver_swing }}'
          entity_id: 'climate.{{ unit_name }}'

  # Horizontal swing direction
      - service: select.select_option
          option: '{{ hor_swing }}'
          entity_id: 'select.{{ unit_name }}_horizontal_swing_direction'

I now have this and does not work:

alias: Test airco fan
description: ā€œā€

  • platform: time
    at: ā€œ11:52:00ā€
  • condition: device
    device_id: 4f13dce548f87e50d49936f9efc6c7fb
    domain: climate
    entity_id: e8d45bbeccc144421527966c4f12e14b
    type: is_hvac_mode
    hvac_mode: heat
  • device_id: 4f13dce548f87e50d49936f9efc6c7fb
    domain: climate
    entity_id: e8d45bbeccc144421527966c4f12e14b
    type: set_hvac_mode
    hvac_mode: ā€œoffā€
    enabled: false
  • service: climate.set_fan_mode
    device_id: 4f13dce548f87e50d49936f9efc6c7fb
    fan_mode: Low
    mode: single

Here below is the codeā€¦ Iā€™ve as well added a dropdown list to select the horizontal swing mode

type: custom:stack-in-card
mode: vertical
  - type: custom:simple-thermostat
    entity: climate.airco_rdc
        names: true
        icons: true
        headings: false
        footer: true
      step: row
      - entity: sensor.airco_rdc_outdoor
        name: Temp
        icon: mdi:thermometer
      - entity: sensor.airco_rdc_energy_usage_cycle
        name: Power
        icon: mdi:lightning-bolt
      preset: true
          icon: mdi:fan-auto
          name: Auto
        1 Lowest:
          icon: mdi:fan
          name: Min.
        2 Low:
          icon: mdi:fan-speed-1
          name: Niv. 1
        3 High:
          icon: mdi:fan-speed-2
          name: Niv. 2
        4 Highest:
          icon: mdi:fan-speed-3
          name: Max.
        Up/Down Auto:
          icon: mdi:swap-vertical-variant
          name: Oscillation
          icon: mdi:arrow-top-right
          name: Haut
          icon: mdi:arrow-right
          name: Milieu
          icon: mdi:arrow-bottom-right
          name: Normal
          icon: mdi:arrow-down
          name: Bas
        3D Auto:
          icon: mdi:rotate-3d
          name: 3D Auto
          icon: mdi:power
          name: 'OFF'
          icon: mdi:fire
          name: Chauf.
          icon: mdi:snowflake
          name: Clim.
          icon: mdi:autorenew
          name: Auto
          icon: mdi:water-percent
          name: DĆ©shum.
          icon: mdi:fan
          name: Ventil.
    style: |
      ha-card {
          --st-font-size-xl: 60px;
          --st-font-size-m: 30px;
          --st-font-size-title: 20px;
          --st-font-size-sensors: 20px;
          --st-spacing: 3px;
          --st-fault-active-color: green;
          border: none;
  - type: entities
      - entity: select.airco_rdc_horizontal_swing_direction
        name: 'Oscillation Horizontale:'
    style: |
      ha-card {
          border: none;
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You can control all with the code Iā€™ve shared above and with the ā€œSimple Thermostatā€ Card (including vertical swing mode). Horizontal swing is a bit different since itā€™s a drop down list. Thererfore you have to put the ā€œSimple Thermostatā€ card and this dropdown list into a vertcal stack in card.

FYI, the last 2024.01 HA update brings a new feature to the ā€œThermostat Cardā€. It is now possible to add the fan mode to the card. But vertical swing mode is still not there.

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Hi, can you tell how to install on HA?
I would like to connect my SRK35ZS-WF to HA.
Whatā€™s the procedure? Whatā€™s the file I have to include in HA?

Tx in advance.

Hi! Start here: GitHub - jeatheak/Mitsubishi-WF-RAC-Integration: WF-RAC homeassistant integration


I am trying to login to the Smart M Air app but I am unable to login. When I enter the username and password, it says:

"A communication error has occurred, Do you want to try again? [04215-900]

I am on iPhone IODS 17.3.1

I tried on Android 9 too. It throws the same error. Would I be able to add the wifi adapters to HA without the Smart M Air app.


Iā€™m facing the same problem. Maybe there are problems with the server.

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