I was just wondering if its possible to mixx entities to display 2 items on a single line - dependant on whether the primary element is powered on? - What I am trying to achieve is to display:
switch.fish_tank - Displays ‘Fish Tank’ and a switch on/off
I want to add another attribute:
sensor.hive_plug_watts - which will display the wattage of my plug when its powered on - shown together they will display:
‘Fish Tank (Currently using 50w’s)’ - when the switch is on and just revert to ‘Fish Tank’ when the switch is off.
I have data from both sensors, but I cannot work out how to join them on 1 line.
Well, you could cruise the forum and look for the phrase “Custom UI”. Someone may have already created this for you.
You could try making this in Lovelace. Which might have different UI options that you didn’t even think of (making the need for this functionality pointless).