I’m working on a custom component for a rotary encoder: the M5Stack Faces Encoder. You can both press the knob like a button and turn the know. Actually I have it working with 2 “Sensors”:
- Turning the know in- or decreases a value and returns it
- Pushing the button returns a 1 when pressed and 0 when released
So far so good. Now I would like to make the button a Binary Sensor. Changed the button to a binary sensor and changed all the integers to bools.
Small parts of the C++ code:
BinarySensor *button_sensor = new BinarySensor();
Sensor *encoder_sensor = new Sensor();
bool button;
int encoder;
Wire.requestFrom(I2C_ADDR_FACESENCODER, 3);
if (Wire.available())
encoder = Wire.read();
button = Wire.read(); //returns either 0 or 1
My C++ compiles just fine. The problem is that I don’t know how to add both these sensors to the YAML.
When both were just normal sensors returning a integer I had this:
- platform: custom
lambda: |-
auto m5encoder = new M5RotaryEncoder();
return {m5encoder->button_sensor, m5encoder->encoder_sensor};
- name: ${friendly_name} Button
- name: ${friendly_name} Encoder
Again, this was working fine until I decided to make the button a binary sensor. I tried a few different YAML configs, but none were working. One of the configs that validates and compiles just fine is this:
- platform: custom
lambda: |-
auto m5encoder = new M5RotaryEncoder();
return {m5encoder->encoder_sensor};
- name: ${friendly_name} Encoder
- platform: custom
lambda: |-
auto m5encoder = new M5RotaryEncoder();
return {m5encoder->button_sensor};
- name: ${friendly_name} Button
Now this clearly does not work as it starts the loop to read the same I2C address twice.
Any idea if it’s possible to mix 2 types of sensors in a single ESPHome component class?