MJPEG Camera infinite loop of login requests. Super slow frame rate

Hi there,
I am new to this community. :smiley: Happy to be here. I am using home assistant from less than two weeks and I think it’s really great! During my journey with learning home assistant I was trying to setup my good old security camera. It’s a Foscam FI8910W. I followed the great suggestions in this old topic:

and I have to thank the authors of the scripts because now I am able to control pan and tilt of the camera directly from home assistant.
However frame rate is super slow but I don’t think it is related to the scripts.
While I was researching what could be the cause of such slow frame rate, I noticed what I think can be the problem. In the administrator panel of my camera I could see the log of connections and it shows a stream of multiple connections repeatedly coming from the home assistant. It’s like a DOS attack. LOL. This happens when I activate the MJPEG camera integration in home assistant. If I disable it the flow of login requests stops. So it is the MJPEG camera integration that is causing it. Actually it is the card instance that is causing it because if the camera is not playing then the login requests stop.
Can you help? Do you know how can I fix the problem and connect to the camera one-time only?

Ok I just found out what was the problem. :sweat_smile:
I write it here so that other people do not struggle with the same problem.
When you add an MJPEG camera like mine DO NOT fill user and password fields in the form. Use the user and password parameters in the url.
For my camera it was a url of this type:
An example could be:
So add MJPEG integration and pass the url with user and password but DO NOT fill user and password fields in the form.