Mjpeg camera stopped working. Help troubleshooting

Hey guys,
So i have this d-link camera (DCS-935L) which is inside my home.
It used to work great with the following configuration:

  - platform: mjpeg
    mjpeg_url: http://un:pw@IPADDRESS/video/mjpg.cgi
    still_image_url: un:pw@IPADDRESS/image/jpeg.cgi
    name: dlink

Someday it decided to stop working (both HA and app) so the first thing i did was to go there and unplug the camera for a while then plug it back in.

Since then, app and VLC streams are working perfectly but i cant get it to work in HA.
Here are the camera settings:

Since then i have enabled stream: in configuration.yaml and i’ve tried all the following configurations in HA with no luck unfortunately (with, or w/o verify_ssl:false).

  - platform: mjpeg
    mjpeg_url: http://un:pw@IPADDRESS/video/mjpg.cgi
    still_image_url: http://un:pw@IPADDRESS/image/jpeg.cgi
    name: dlink
    verify_ssl: false

  - platform: generic
    stream_source: rtsp:/un:pw@IPADDRESS/play1.sdp
    still_image_url: http://un:pw@IPADDRESS/image/jpeg.cgi
    name: dlink_rstp
    verify_ssl: false
  - platform: generic
    stream_source: rtsp://un:pw@IPADDRESS/play2.sdp
    still_image_url: http://un:pw@IPADDRESS/image/jpeg.cgi
    name: dlink_rstp_2
    verify_ssl: false

All the above three streams ...mjpeg.cgi, ...play1.sdp and ...play2.sdp work perfectly if i paste them on VLC.

Here are the lovelace cards i tried:

aspect_ratio: 50%
entity: camera.dlink
show_name: false
show_state: false
type: picture-entity


type: picture-entity
entity: camera.dlink_rtsp_2
image: 'rtsp://un:pw@IPADDRESS/play2.sdp' # and play2.sdp
aspect_ratio: 50%

Oh, and i get these errors in logs:

I’ve ran out of ideas to try…
Any hints?

i don’t use mpeg_url, instead i use input: with as example: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://un:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0 perhaps give that a shot.

What kind of platform? generic?

No with platform ffmpeg

me too !! mine has stopped on the rtsp://

Don’t think my camera works with ffmpeg, cannot find any relevant documentation

I haven’t found any solution yet, been trying several combinations with no luck.
They all work as VLC streams though…
idk :frowning: