Mjpeg still image gives no route to host while video works


got a weird one :wink:

    - platform: mjpeg
      name: babymonitor
      mjpeg_url: !secret baby-mjpeg_url
      still_image_url: !secret baby-still_image_url

and secrets contains:

baby-mjpeg_url: http://<ip>/-wvhttp-01-/video.cgi
baby-still_image_url: http://<ip>/cgi/jpg/image.cgi

and is exactly the same (I checked it 5 times :wink:

with the setup above I get working video but the still image is not available.

looking in logsI see:

> " Error getting new camera image: Cannot connect to host ssl:None [No route to host]
> 11:22 components/camera/mjpeg.py (ERROR)"

if I take the urls and open in a browser all is good.

anyone with an idea on why hass canโ€™t connect on image but fine on video?

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โ€ฆstarting to think my network have issues - the started working again on its own ;/