MM compliments module template

I was in the middle of a Magic Mirror build when I came across HA. The one thing I missed from MM was the compliments module. It injected a bit of personality into the project. I saw a post on reddit that reminded me of it so I threw this together. It creates a list of messages based on the day, date, weather, time, whatever, and spits out a random one. I use it in a picture elements card along with the time and date.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Messages
        value_template: >
          {% set randolist = [] %}
          {% set day = now().strftime('%A') %}
          {% set date = now().strftime('%m-%d') %}
          {% set daynotes = {
             'Monday': ["Looks like somebody has a case of the Mondays", "It's just another manic Monday."],
             'Wednesday': ["Humpday"],
             'Friday': ["More like Fri-yey!", "Weekend, here we come!"],
             'Sunday': ["It's my funday."] } %}
          {% set datenotes = {
             '01-01': ["Happy New Year","New Yeay, New You!"],
             '02-14': ["Love is in the air", "Won't you be my Valentine?"],
             '03-17': ["Get yer hands off me Lucky Charms!"],
             '07-04': ["Don't loose a finger."],
             '10-31': ["BOO!", "Happy Halloween!!","Trick-or-Treat!","Gimme some candy!"],
             '12-24': ["Here comes Santa!", "Ho HO HO!"],
             '12-25': ["Merry Christmas!", "Home you got something good." ],
             '12-31': ["Can we make it up to Midnight?"]} %}
          {% set weatherdetailnotes = {
             'heavy thunderstorm': ["It's Cats and Dogs out there!"],
             'heavy snow': ["Grab the snow shovel."],
             'light snow': ["Scrape up enough for a snowball?"],
             'rain and snow': ["YUCK!"],
             'freezing rain': ["Alright, fire up the hot chocolate."],
             'extreme rain': ["The rain is, literally, extreme."],
             'broken clouds': ["Where's the sun?"],
             'overcast clouds': ["What a dreary day"]} %}
          {% set weathernotes = {
             'Rain': ["Rain, rain, go away.","Don't forget your umbrella."],
             'Snow': ["IT'S HAPPENING!","Would you like to build a snowman?","I smell a snowball fight..."],
             'Drizzle': ["I'm not down with the drizz."],
             'Fog': ["It's as thick as pea soup out there."],
             'Mist': ["I'm not down with the drizz."],
             'Haze': ["It's hazy but not purple."],
             'Smoke': ["Cough, Cough", "Damn wildfires."],
             'Tornado': ["SEEK SHELTER!","Tornados!","SEEK SHELTER!","Tornados!"],
             'Clear': ["It's nice outside."],
             'Thunderstorm': ["Anyone have a key and a kite?","THUNDERSTRUCK!","KABOOM!"]} %}

          {% if datenotes.get(date) != None -%}
          {% set randolist = randolist + datenotes.get(date) %}
          {% endif %}

          {% if daynotes.get(day) != None -%}
          {% set randolist = randolist + daynotes.get(day) %}
          {% endif %}

          {% if as_timestamp(now()) | timestamp_custom('%H') | int < 11 %}
          {% set randolist = randolist + ["Morning", "Mornin\'", "Good morning", "Bonjour", "It's a new day", "Good to see you", "Welcome back", "Looking good today", "Happy " ~day] %}
          {% elif as_timestamp(now()) | timestamp_custom('%H') | int < 12 %}
          {% set randolist = randolist + ["What's for lunch?", "Happy " ~day] %}
          {% elif as_timestamp(now()) | timestamp_custom('%H') | int < 18 %}
          {% set randolist = randolist + ["Afternoon", "Aft\'noon", "Good afternoon", "Howdy", "Hi there", "Have you been working out?", "Happy " ~day] %}
          {% elif as_timestamp(now()) | timestamp_custom('%H') | int < 20 %}
          {% set randolist = randolist + ["How was dinner?","Get those kids to bed!","Evening", "Evenin\'"] %}
            {% if day == 'Tuesday' %}
            {% set randolist = randolist + ["Don't forget the bins."] %}
            {% endif %}
          {% else %}
          {% set randolist = randolist +  ["Time to binge watch!", "Nighty night.", "See you tomorrow.","Don't let the bedbugs bite."] %}
            {% if states('sensor.openweathermap_weather') == 'Clear' %}
            {% set randolist = randolist + ["My God, it's full of stars!", "Go outside and look up tonight!"] %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
          {% if weathernotes.get(states('sensor.openweathermap_condition')) != None %}
          {% set randolist = randolist + weathernotes.get(states('sensor.openweathermap_condition')) %}
          {% endif %}

          {% if weatherdetailnotes.get(states('sensor.openweathermap_weather')) != None %}
          {% set randolist = randolist + weatherdetailnotes.get(states('sensor.openweathermap_weather')) %}
          {% endif %}

          {{ randolist|random }}

I’m sure it could be improved but it’s a start.