Ah, I’ve never heard of that one. Looks like there’s one for 100€ on ali express, that is not cheap
Nice catch. I suspect that is a random seller. Their ODM pricing for other products appeared much better than that.
I also suspect that the same mmwave sensor is used since the same parameters are described in the user manual.
I cannot speak for the Zigbee implementation, which as you rightly indicated, can make or break the usefulness of a device as a whole.
Yeah the ZCL is big and complicated, it’s not trivial to implement and a lot of devices aren’t that smart sadly.
I’m hopefull someone will implement something usable for the the ESP H2 if and when it comes out, I’d love to have ESPHome or something similar for Zigbee
Just did some more AliExpress browsing and there appears to be a 3X markup on other Leapmmw products compared to even individual pricing direct from Leapmmw.
I hadn’t heard of ptvo, that looks neat. I wonder if you could link a cc2530 to an esp, connect the mmwave uart to the esp with your code to handle all the config but then connect IO2 to the cc, to then bind it directly to the light group.
Might be worth a try, thanks for the tip !
Hoping someone here can help me. I was able to set up the mmwave sensor with a couple other sensors to hopefully create a sensor for my office. It looks like the sensor is detecting presence in the logs but for some reason the binary sensor in home assistant is stuck in the on position. Someone else suggested I make a template sensor from the log information, but honestly I have no idea how to do that… plus I dont understand why its is working in the logs but not in practice… Any help would be great! Thank you!
name: mmwave
board: esp32dev
type: arduino
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
password: ""
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "mmwave Fallback Hotspot"
password: ""
port: 80
version: 2
include_internal: true
useragent: esphome/$device_name
timeout: 2s
sda: 21
scl: 22
scan: true
id: bus_a
disabled: false
- platform: safe_mode
internal: true
name: use_safe_mode
- platform: template
name: "mmwave_sensor"
id: "mmwave_sensor"
optimistic: true
restore_state: true
assumed_state: true
- uart.write: "sensorStart"
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "sensorStop"
- delay: 1s
- platform: template
name: "LED"
id: "led"
optimistic: true
restore_state: true
assumed_state: true
- switch.turn_off: mmwave_sensor
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "setLedMode 1 0"
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "saveConfig"
- delay: 3s
- switch.turn_on: mmwave_sensor
- switch.turn_off: mmwave_sensor
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "setLedMode 1 1"
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "saveConfig"
- delay: 3s
- switch.turn_on: mmwave_sensor
- platform: template
name: "uart_presence_output"
id: "uart_presence_output"
optimistic: true
restore_state: true
assumed_state: true
- switch.turn_off: mmwave_sensor
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "setUartOutput 1 1"
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "saveConfig"
- delay: 3s
- switch.turn_on: mmwave_sensor
- switch.turn_off: mmwave_sensor
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "setUartOutput 1 0"
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "saveConfig"
- delay: 3s
- switch.turn_on: mmwave_sensor
- platform: template
name: "uart_target_output"
id: "uart_target_output"
optimistic: true
restore_state: true
assumed_state: false
- switch.turn_off: mmwave_sensor
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "setUartOutput 2 1 1 1"
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "saveConfig"
- delay: 3s
- switch.turn_on: mmwave_sensor
- switch.turn_off: mmwave_sensor
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "setUartOutput 2 0"
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "saveConfig"
- delay: 3s
- switch.turn_on: mmwave_sensor
- platform: gpio
name: mmwave_in_office
number: GPIO22
id: uart_bus
tx_pin: GPIO17
rx_pin: GPIO16
baud_rate: 115200
direction: BOTH
dummy_receiver: true
delimiter: "\n"
- lambda: UARTDebug::log_string(direction, bytes);
- platform: template
name: distance
id: distance
min_value: 0
max_value: 1350
initial_value: 315
optimistic: true
step: 15
restore_value: true
unit_of_measurement: cm
mode: box
- switch.turn_off: mmwave_sensor
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: !lambda
int cm = (int)ceil(x / 15.0);
std::string cms = "detRangeCfg -1 0 " + to_string(cm);
return std::vector<unsigned char>(cms.begin(), cms.end());
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "saveCfg 0x45670123 0xCDEF89AB 0x956128C6 0xDF54AC89"
- delay: 1s
- switch.turn_on: mmwave_sensor
- platform: template
name: latency
id: latency
min_value: 0
max_value: 65000
initial_value: 12500
optimistic: true
step: 25
restore_value: true
unit_of_measurement: ms
mode: box
- switch.turn_off: mmwave_sensor
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: !lambda
int ms = (int)ceil(x / 25.0);
std::string mss = "outputLatency -1 0 " + to_string(ms);
return std::vector<unsigned char>(mss.begin(), mss.end());
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "saveCfg 0x45670123 0xCDEF89AB 0x956128C6 0xDF54AC89"
- delay: 1s
- switch.turn_on: mmwave_sensor
- platform: template
name: sensitivity
id: sensitivity
min_value: 0
max_value: 9
initial_value: 7
optimistic: true
step: 1
restore_value: true
- switch.turn_off: mmwave_sensor
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: !lambda
std::string mss = "setSensitivity " + to_string((int)x);
return std::vector<unsigned char>(mss.begin(), mss.end());
- delay: 1s
- uart.write: "saveConfig"
- delay: 1s
- switch.turn_on: mmwave_sensor
- platform: restart
name: Restart $device_name
- platform: template
name: "factory_reset_dfrobot"
In situations like this, I like to;
disconnect the GPIO and confirm the voltage (high/low) at the sensor
try a different pin on the ESP
This situation does demonstrate the usefulness of the log. So that’s a plus.
Its weird I just noticed that even turning the sensor off (from the provided switch) will leave the binary sensor in the on position. Could that still be an issue with the pin it is using?
Would suspect so.
Are we talking about the tx/rx pins? or the pulldown? My pull down pin is also the i2c pin for my temp and light sensors… maybe that is causing problems?
You got it! Needs to be a separate pin.
ahhh I asked about that to someone and they thought it would be fine. I don’t know what other pin would be good for a pull down. I am using a D1 Mini esp32. Do you have an idea?
I don’t know particular board. Good idea to check the datasheet for any board-specific rules. Or guess and choose a free pin then test…
As well as the usefulness of a multimeter!
I only pull mine out after hooking up everything backwards
I’m surprised I haven’t burned myself down
That was it!! I put it to gpio18 now and it is working perfectly! Thank you! I am still new to all this. Actually only learned how to solder like 2 months ago haha! But I am learning a lot. Thank you for the help!
High five!