Ok, I’m pulling my hair out! I have a D1 Mini soldered up to the DF Robot board by following the the Everything Smart Home YT video and everything is working perfectly…However, I wanted the ability to turn off the Red Blinking LED light and tried to install the code from this thread and I keep running into a ESPHome roadblock! When I try and upload the code based on the GitHub installation directions I get the following message:
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/mmwave01.yaml…
Failed config
esphome: None
Platform missing for core options!.
name: mmwave01
- leapmmw_sensor.h
My code looks like this:
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "mmWave-Occupancy"
password: "password"
device_name: mmwave01
# This will vary based on your board
uart_tx_pin: GPIO4
# This will vary based on your board
uart_rx_pin: GPIO5
# This will vary based on your board
gpio_pin: GPIO16
# (Optional) Path to the leapmmw_sensor.h file relative to your esphome configuration directory.
header_file: leapmmw_sensor.h
url: https://github.com/hjmcnew/esphome-hs2xx3a-custom-component
ref: release
file: packages/leapmmw_sensor.yml
and my directory structure inside the ESPHome folder looks like this: