Mobile App Device Tracker just disappeared iOS - All settings look OK

Mobile App Device Tracker just disappeared / iOS - All settings look OK
My IOS device tracker has just dropped off HA. No idea why, I am using IOS with the app installed, and all the ‘Always’ settings enabled. Nothing had changed from a device perspective, and the other entities of the device were unchanged, so I could still send a notify for example just no tracker.

Reinstalling the app added the device tracker again but as myiphone2 and so want to avoid this turning into a frequent fix.

Has anyone experienced this before?

I have the same problem. I checked GitHub, and someone has raised an issue there (very recently). Will keep an eye on that.

(Device_tracker don't work correctly · Issue #2536 · home-assistant/iOS · GitHub)

EDIT: Well that didn’t seem to be a fix, as the GitHub issue is closed.

Its my partners phone, and I rarely get a chance to play with the settings. Maybe its an iPhone setting. I am an android guy. And hate trying to get Apple stuff to play nice.

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