Mobile app sensor update in background

hello, it could be interesting to be able to update certain sensors in the background, like battery level, battery status… from the mobile application, at the moment it only works when the application is in the foreground which makes it impossible to create automation

Then you’ve got something on the phone killing background processes, because it updates just fine in the background on normal phones.

however this is what the app says, if I translate it back into English it gives: when activated, these sensors update at this frequency while the application is open in the foreground

Not sure where you’re looking there. On the Sensor update frequency page it’ll tell you about background updates.

to be sure that we are talking about the same thing, I am talking about the sensors detected by the mobile application, such as the battery level of the phone… (in my case an iphone)

To access the page above, it’s settings, Companion Application, Sensors.

in any case all sensors like phone battery level, battery status, storage… are only updated when the app is in the foreground as stipulated in writing in the app, d 'where my request to be able to choose some of these sensors so that it updates in the background

Ah, well, that’s an iOS problem, see the docs:

On iOS, sensors update in limited situations: when your location changes, periodically when the app is running in the foreground, when you pull-to-refresh the web view, in the background at a rate determined by iOS, and when performing an “Update Sensors” or via “Send Location” shortcut or push notification. When Local Push is enabled and available in iOS 2022.6 or later, periodic updates will also be performed.

the joys of apple…