Mobile app TTS notification queueing

Hello, I’m facing an issue with the TTS notifications in the mobile app (latest version, but it was the case with previous versions too) when sending multiple TTS notifications to the same device either in a single automation or from multiple automations running in parallel.

I would expect HA to queue the notifications sent to the app, so they are all played in the order of appearance in the list, but it doesn’t. It looks like if a notification is sent while there is an ongoing notification text spoken, the new one is ignored.

Example automation:

alias: Test multiple TTS
description: ""
trigger: []
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_6_pro
      message: TTS
        priority: high
        ttl: 0
        tts_text: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    enabled: true
  - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_6_pro
      message: TTS
        priority: high
        ttl: 0
        tts_text: 9, 10
    enabled: true
mode: single

The second ”9, 10" text is ignored. I would expect it to be queued and played after the “8”.

How to ensure no notification is lost ?

we do indeed add to the queue

check notification history to see if they were received in a different order?

settings > companion app > notification history

I checked the history, it correctly received both notifications, but only played the first one.

any errors in the companion app logs when the issue occurs?

It logs the two calls to TTS service, but that’s all.

hmm so just tested ths out, seems like in some cases the queue may be lost if things are not sent fast enough because we are required to shutdown TTS once done. In some cases I can see an item in queue getting lost, if I wait 1 second its fine, if I send multiple very quickly those also mostly get queued up. Not really sure we can detect if teh TTS queue is full will need to check. Feel free to submit an issue on github in the meantime.


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