So it looks like these motors are the only ones with an open protocol. Everybody else implements their own proprietary BS that needs a bridge and that bridge usually is cloud only. An obvious no go for me.
I haven’t seen these motors mentioned here or anywhere else yet so I thought I’d ask around if anyone has them connected via Z-Wave to their home assistant. They are listed on the z-wavealliance homepage but to be honest I’ve never used Z-Wave before so this is all new. What are the chances that I can control them directly via Home Assistant and a Z-Wave USB Stick?
These motors are really my last hope and I need a bunch of these (14). The alternative would be to use shellys and dumb motors but with the Z-Wave ones I only need power up there and I can sort of daisy-chain 6 windows together at once and only need to run one cable and use a long drill in between.
(If anyone else knows about an alternative that works local and is reliable I’m open.)
May want to look in this, it’s a 433 MHz system. Yes, it requires a hub (3rd party RFxTRx hub). But well, all control is local, no cloud required. All works with a 230V~ power to the motor, no other wires involved.
I have a bunch of those and use them them to my satisfaction.
I Appreciate the answer! One of the reasons I’m so focused on that Mob.IQ Motor I (should have) linked (totally forgot to add a link to the product page in my original post) is that it is bidirectional. So it reports its state back to the controller, hopefully. Which would be a needed feature in my case.
I did some more research and if I understand this correctly: According to the z-wave alliance, the device has Generic Device Class: Switch Multilevel & Motor Control Class C.
And with the “Minimal Control Functionality” that is required(?) by the alliance that means that at least:
“ON, OFF, Level and Status of device using Basic or Multilevel Switch CC. Level only if supported by device.”
is accessible by any Z-Wave controller. Right? Which would be a good start but I am still a bit worried because the reason I don’t want dumb motors controlled by a relay is that I NEED the level of the shutter. We never close our shutters fully at night so this wouldn’t be possible without the level I assume. At least not without manual intervention or some time based automations?
I might just ask the manufacturer in an email if they know more and can guarantee that it’ll work or ask for a motor to test myself.
Right, the Louvolite won’t report level, it only reports open/close. So yes, time based automations would be needed. Still an option, if you do not succeed with the Z-wave motors.
I can’t advise on that, no experience with Zwave motors here…
The Mobilus Mob.IQ Zwave modules work with Z-Wave JS. I have a dozen of them. I believe they use the same in the motors. You can always send an email to their support. They did answer some questions for me during the years.