Modbus commands not going through

I have installed mobas integration and two modbus->tcp hubs, after I added a lot of modbus equipment, currently 62 objects but more to come, after a while the modbus commands from modbus stop going through and it usually helps to reboot the computer where HA is. I use vmware virtual machine and HA image from official site. The problem is only on one of the hubs where more hardware is hanging. How to find out what is the cause ?

getting values from modbus always works. On another smart home system the modbus commands are always sent normally, it is some internal problem of the Home Assistant.

That this is some kind of glitch is also indicated by the fact that at first, for example, I turn off some switch by modbus it remains off, although the command does not pass, and then if I reload the page it becomes on (i.e. without changes) and if I pull it again it almost immediately returns to its previous position.