Modbus configuration of multiple devices

I have been trying unsuccessfully to make TCP connections to two different devices. I reviewed the instructions on the Modbus integration page without success. I then came across this information in Github. Still no success. My question is, can using the modbus name as outlined in the Github article actually function? If so, could someone walk me through how to insert it properly? As you can tell from the questions I am not great with the coding. Below is my current working configuration. Again, I am trying to make a second TCP connection if it is possible with almost the same entities as the working connection.

  - name: cbw_310s
    type: tcp
    port: 502
    delay: 1
    timeout: 3
    message_wait_milliseconds: 30

      - name: Server Room Exhaust Fan
        address: 0
        write_type: coil
        #scan_interval: 5
      - name: Z1 - Sunday School Heat
        address: 1
        write_type: coil
        #scan_interval: 5
      - name: Z2 - Nursey Heat
        address: 2
        write_type: coil
        #scan_interval: 5
      - name: Z3 - Middle Sunday School Heat
        address: 3
        write_type: coil
        #scan_interval: 5

      - name: " Server Room Temperature"
        device_class: temperature
        unit_of_measurement: °F
        state_class: measurement
        precision: 1
        data_type: float32
        address: 272
      - name: " Server Intake Temperature"
        device_class: temperature
        unit_of_measurement: °F
        state_class: measurement
        precision: 1
        data_type: float32
        address: 274
      - name: " Server Exhaust Temperature"
        device_class: temperature
        unit_of_measurement: °F
        state_class: measurement
        precision: 1
        data_type: float32
        address: 276

      #This configuration allows of unique naming of entities
      - name: my_relay1
        address: 0
        device_class: power
        input_type: coil
        scan_interval: 5
        slave: 0
        slave_count: 0
        unique_id: my_relay1
      - name: my_relay2
        address: 1
        device_class: power
        input_type: coil
        scan_interval: 5
        slave: 1
        slave_count: 0
        unique_id: my_relay2
      - name: my_relay3
        address: 2
        device_class: power
        input_type: coil
        scan_interval: 5
        slave: 1
        slave_count: 0
        unique_id: my_relay3
      - name: my_relay4
        address: 3
        device_class: power
        input_type: coil
        scan_interval: 5
        slave: 1
        slave_count: 0
        unique_id: my_relay4
        #This configuration does not allow unique naming of entities
      - name: my_test_relay
        address: 0
        device_class: power
        input_type: coil
        scan_interval: 5
        slave: 0
        slave_count: 3
        unique_id: my_test_relay


You are missing a few items in your code. Hope this will help you along the way:

  send_wait_time: 500ms
  uart_id: uart_modbus_wp
  id: mod_bus
  #send_wait_time: 2000ms

  # Eastron meter for outside heatpump:
  - id: modbus_wp_buiten
    address: 2
    setup_priority: -10
    modbus_id: mod_bus
  # Eastron meter for inside heatpump:
  - id: modbus_wp_binnen
    address: 1
    setup_priority: -10
    modbus_id: mod_bus

Dont forget to add the ID to a sensor:

  # Volts
  - platform: modbus_controller
    modbus_controller_id: modbus_wp_buiten

Not sure if this will work with TCP/IP but I do not see any reason why it should not.