@Crash123Crash123 I also have a 3600, I added your config, checked modbus was all ok in the SunnyBoy app but HA just chucks out loads in the error log
nvalid config for 'modbus' at configuration.yaml, line 108: SMA_grid: `count` illegal with `data_type: uint32` 'modbus->0->sensors->6', got {'name': 'SMA_grid', 'slave': 3, 'address': 30217, 'scan_interval': 60, 'count': 2, 'data_type': 'uint32'}
Invalid config for 'modbus' at configuration.yaml, line 114: SMA_Insulation: `count` illegal with `data_type: DataType.INT16` 'modbus->0->sensors->7', got {'name': 'SMA_Insulation', 'slave': 3, 'address': 30225, 'scan_interval': 120, 'count': 2}
Invalid config for 'modbus' at configuration.yaml, line 53: SMA_Power_AC: `count` illegal with `data_type: uint32` 'modbus->0->sensors->0', got {'name': 'SMA_Power_AC', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'unit_of_measurement': 'W', 'slave': 3, 'address': 30775, 'count': 2, 'data_type': 'uint32', 'scan_interval': 10}
Invalid config for 'modbus' at configuration.yaml, line 61: SMA_PV_Daily_Yield: `count` illegal with `data_type: int64` 'modbus->0->sensors->1', got {'name': 'SMA_PV_Daily_Yield', 'unit_of_measurement': 'kWh', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'slave': 3, 'address': 30517, 'scan_interval': 60, 'scale': 0.001, 'precision': 3, 'count': 4, 'data_type': 'int64'}
Invalid config for 'modbus' at configuration.yaml, line 71: SMA_PV_Total_Production: `count` illegal with `data_type: int64` 'modbus->0->sensors->2', got {'name': 'SMA_PV_Total_Production', 'unit_of_measurement': 'MWh', 'state_class': 'measurement', 'slave': 3, 'address': 30513, 'scan_interval': 3600, 'scale': 1e-06, 'precision': 3, 'count': 4, 'data_type': 'int64'}
Invalid config for 'modbus' at configuration.yaml, line 81: SMA_Grid Voltage: `count` illegal with `data_type: int32` 'modbus->0->sensors->3', got {'name': 'SMA_Grid Voltage', 'unit_of_measurement': 'V', 'slave': 3, 'address': 30783, 'scan_interval': 120, 'count': 2, 'scale': 0.01, 'precision': 2, 'data_type': 'int32'}
Invalid config for 'modbus' at configuration.yaml, line 90: SMA_Grid frequency: `count` illegal with `data_type: uint32` 'modbus->0->sensors->4', got {'name': 'SMA_Grid frequency', 'unit_of_measurement': 'Hz', 'slave': 3, 'address': 30803, 'scan_interval': 120, 'count': 2, 'scale': 0.01, 'precision': 2, 'data_type': 'uint32'}
Invalid config for 'modbus' at configuration.yaml, line 99: SMA_temp: `count` illegal with `data_type: int32` 'modbus->0->sensors->5', got {'name': 'SMA_temp', 'unit_of_measurement': '°C', 'slave': 3, 'address': 30953, 'scan_interval': 60, 'count': 2, 'scale': 0.1, 'precision': 1, 'data_type': 'int32