Modbus for Heat pump - Help

Hi guys, i am little bit out of my depth.

I have HKS Lazar heat pump (Polish manufacturer). Its some of their hardware and Carel control unit hidden in the inside unit.

Between my little knowledge about modbus, no reaction from HKS about remote access and Carel modbus documentation with sentence “Can be modified to manufacturer needs” i am stuck.

I am using QModMaster to decode the communication and so far i got this:

Holding register 0x03 to read the variables.

Write single register 0x06 to write one variable.

Data format DEC and signed int16.

Register address:

Target temperature for cooling: 26

Target temperature for heating: 25

Sensor Temperature of the interior: 3

Heat pump modes (read and write): 2

cooling value: 1

heating value: 0

only hot water tank: 2

Heat pump on/off (read and write): 1

I do have to switch to desired mode to get the heat pump to try to hit the target temperature. So i would love to have a climate card with heating and cooling slider and then just select the desired mode. Only hot water tank mode is separate hot water tank for shower. There is separate register for tank target temperature and i will have other climate entity for that.

The configuration.yaml is this but i get -1000 current temperature, it does switch the modes, but i get error after.

  - name: HKS
    type: tcp
    port: 502
      - name: "Heat pump"
        address: 3
        input_type: holding
        target_temp_register: 25  # Register for heating
        temperature_unit: C
        scale: 0.1  # Scale factor since the temperature is multiplied by 10
        max_temp: 30
        min_temp: 18
        precision: 0
            address: 2
                state_heat: 0
                state_cool: 1
                state_fan_only: 2
        hvac_onoff_register: 1  # Register for on/off

I dont know what address to put after the name and where to put the target cooling temperature register.

I do have access to the Carel unit, i set the network adapter to have DHCP, static IP in my router and I have found the enormous list of variables.

I have model HTi 20/08 and currently I am trying to solve the same problem. Have you figured out a way to implement the automation somehow?