Modbus function code 0x17 (23)


I need to integrate using Modbus function code 0x17 (23), which in the pymodbus library is referred to as readwrite_registers. I’ve written a small Python script that works quite well and allows me to communicate with the field device.

Here’s a snippet of the script:

busId = 1
read_address = 0x0000
read_quantity = 6
write_address = 0x0001  # 0-read, 1 write

# Building the data to write
bytes_to_send = [
    0x06,  # ID0
    0x00,  # ID1 
    0xB5,  # ID2
    0x36,  # ID3
    0x00,  # Number of table
    0x00,  # Number of register_High
    0x13,  # Number of register_Low
    lo,    # VALUE_float LO IEEE 754, from value
    mi,    # VALUE_float Mi IEEE 754, from value
    hi,    # VALUE_float HI IEEE 754, from value
    exponent  # VALUE_float EXPONENT IEEE 754, from value

registers_to_write = [bytes_to_send[i] << 8 | bytes_to_send[i + 1] for i in range(0, len(bytes_to_send), 2)]
write_quantity = len(registers_to_write)

write_request = client.readwrite_registers(

if write_request.isError():
    print(f"Error : {write_request}")
    read_registers = write_request.registers  # Response

    read_bytes = []
    for reg in read_registers:
        high_byte = (reg >> 8) & 0xFF  # Byte H
        low_byte = reg & 0xFF          # Byte L

    # Print HEX
    read_bytes_hex = [f'{byte:02X}' for byte in read_bytes]
    print(f"Byte HEX: {read_bytes_hex}")

    lo = read_bytes_hex[8]
    mi = read_bytes_hex[9]
    hi = read_bytes_hex[10]
    exponent = read_bytes_hex[11]
    result = custom_bytes_to_float(lo, mi, hi, exponent)
    print(result)  # Output: 230.49436950683594

Do you think it’s feasible to integrate this way, or would it be simpler to develop a standalone integration?

Is there a reason you aren’t using the modbus integration?

Hi @petro, thanks for reply.
Because the modbus integration doesn’t have this functionality.
Now I have edit the source ad I try the edited component, next I require a pull-request