Modbus Help


I have a Siemens PAC3200 Monitoring Equipment. I’m trying to integrate the data to HA with modbus, but can’t get it to work, I’m no expert on python or Modbus.

The Python script I have (reads data correctly) is

import struct
from pymodbus.client import ModbusTcpClient

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# configure the client logging debug:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

import logging
log = logging.getLogger()

ip = ''
client = ModbusTcpClient(ip, port=502, timeout=3)
log.debug("Reading Registers") #debug mode on
parametros = ['Tensión UL1-N']
unidades = ['V']

for i in range(len(parametros)):
    result = client.read_holding_registers(i*2+1, 2, slave = 1)
    value = struct.pack('>I',(result.registers[0]<<16)|result.registers[1]) #4 bytes concatenacion de 2 bytes entero  + 2 bytes enteros
    valor_float = struct.unpack('!f', value)[0] #lo paso a float
    print(parametros[i] + " --> " + str(round(valor_float,2)) + " " +unidades[i])


I could get some data with HA, but can’t or don’t know how to format them to output the correct data.

Thanks in advanced

Hey did you get that working after all? I have one working with HA here :slight_smile: