Modbus integration stopped working with the latest updates

Dear all,

In the past 6 months i succesfully integrated my Schneider PM3255 to HA via Miktorik KNOT gateway.
However today I noticed that my measurements are not available anymore. Could you please help me to find the root cause of the error?

The log shows the following error:

Logger: pymodbus.client.sync
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pymodbus/client/
First occurred: 22:42:32 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 22:42:32

Connection to (, 502) failed: timed out

I already reinstalled HA and checked the communication with the power meter.
If I use modscan32 on my PC an can read the holding registers.

I also see sync sent and sync received in the KNOT’s firewall but no established connection.
So i’m clueless.

Same problem here.
Modbus connection sma tripower inverter stopped working everything worked fine before update 2022.4.7

Did you solved this? I’m having the same problem with a Solaredge via modbus …

Same problem for me. Did you find a solution @lpjerry @moeso ?