Modbus multiple hubs troubleshoting

I have problems with integrating two Sungrow inverter via the modbusTCP integration.
I defined two modbus hubs with their respective sensors, but only the first one works (see code below)
I also tried the second hub with the IP of the first and it didn’t work.

The important code parts (without the 20+ sensors for each hub):

  - name: Inverter 1
    type: tcp
    port: 502
    retry_on_empty: true
    retries: 10
    close_comm_on_error: true
    delay: 5
    # timeout: 5
      - name: Inverter 1 device type code
        unique_id: sg_1_dev_code
        slave: !secret sungrow_modbus_slave
        address: 4999 # reg 5000
        input_type: input
        count: 1
        data_type: uint16
        swap: word
        scan_interval: 60

  - name: Inverter 2
    type: tcp
    port: 502
    retry_on_empty: true
    retries: 10
    close_comm_on_error: true
    delay: 5
    # timeout: 5
      - name: Inverter 2 device type code
        unique_id: sg_2_dev_code
        slave: !secret sungrow_modbus_slave
        address: 4999 # reg 5000
        input_type: input
        count: 1
        data_type: uint16
        swap: word
        scan_interval: 60

If it helps, I could attach the full modbus code (But I didn’t find out how)
It’s based on mkaiser’s Sungrow registers.


This is the error:

2023-08-12 01:57:04.851 ERROR (SyncWorker_4) [homeassistant.components.modbus.modbus] Pymodbus: Inverter 2: Modbus Error: [Connection] ModbusTcpClient( Connection unexpectedly closed 0.8594024181365967 seconds into read of 8 bytes without response from slave before it closed connection