Modbus Select entity support

Please, consider implementing the new Select entity in Modbus integration. I would love to have this to control my HVAC system - I can only control it from HA via Modbus TCP. Currently, setting temperature is no problem, but selecting mode of operation or some additional options is hardly possible, e.g. mode of operation is set in one holding register as follows:
0 - Off
1 - Auto mode
2 - Ventilation
3 - …
Select entity would be perfect for this.

I am in the same situation here.
Here is a way around it. Maybe there are other ways too.

      - name: "Gree Heat+HotWater Or HeatOnly Mode"
        unique_id: gree_heat_hotwater_mode      
        slave: 1
        address: 2
        command_on: 4   #Heat+HotWater Mode
        command_off: 1  #Heat_only Mode
        scan_interval: 10
        write_type: holding          
            input_type: holding
            address: 2
            state_on: 4    #Heat+HotWater Mode
            state_off: 1   #Heat_only Mode 

      - name: "Gree Heat+HotWater Or HotWaterOnly Mode"
        unique_id: gree_heat_hotwater_mode2      
        slave: 1
        address: 2
        command_on: 4   #Heat+HotWater Mode
        command_off: 2  #HotWater_only Mode
        scan_interval: 10
        write_type: holding          
            input_type: holding
            address: 2
            state_on: 4    #Heat+HotWater Mode
            state_off: 2   #HotWater_only Mode 

      - name: "Gree Cool+HotWater Or CoolOnly Mode"
        unique_id: gree_cool_hotwater_mode1      
        slave: 1
        address: 2
        command_on: 3   #Cool+HotWater Mode
        command_off: 5  #Cool_only Mode
        scan_interval: 10
        write_type: holdings          
            input_type: holdings
            address: 2
            state_on: 3    #Cool+HotWater Mode
            state_off: 5   #Cool_only Mode

And then automations and helper to make these a dropdown menu.

With my fan coils I am using esphome and it’s a bit better there. but I have similar problems with “Selecting options”.

Another vote for this feature, I am also controlling some Fan Coil units via Modbus and need to set their operating mode & fan speeds each via single holding registers.