I am currently using modbus switch successfully in my config.
But when I try to get the sensors to work I am out of luck.
Binary sensor gives me always “state off” and binary_sensor.unnamed_device always unnamed device although I have a name for the device configured. Nothing weird in the homeassistant log. However I only see a modbus entry when I start homeassistant…afterwards no entry on modbus again.
The modbus sensor has always a state of “unkown”. In the homeassistant log I see
File “/srv/hass/hass_venv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/homeassistant/components/sensor/modbus.py”, line 100, in update.
I am using a Wago plc pfc200. It would be great if anyone could help me to read out some registers.
When using a windows program with modbus function 0x01 and function 0x02 I can readout what I need.
It also looks like the sensor numbering changes every time HA restarts. For example, I have a digital input that appears as unnamed binary sensor15, but if I restart HA, it may show up as sensor2.
I access my sensors via pymodbus for a “home grown” monitoring system so I know the coil positions are not changing.
I’m using an easyIO as my controller and exposing the points via modbus TCP.
I ended up writing a python script to poll the values via pymodbus and inject them into HA via the RESTful API. I added an automation to fire this script every 5 seconds.
I plan to update the script to use the Python API in the near future.
I saw you submitted an issue on github - thank you for that.
Yes indeed that is a solution also.
But it would be “nicer” if the component modbus in HA would work that is why I logged the “bug” report.
I hope the developer can solve it.
Just as interest : would you mind sharing your python script?
Perhaps this can help you or somebody else.
First of…I am not a programmer and I am sure my code is terrible bad written.
But…perhaps it can bring a real programmer on good idea’s
So…I took your code… and changed it to MQTT as I had already Mqtt in place and I think it is a lot more efficient than HTTP. I also optimized the modbus communication by just polling a whole register and not bit by bit.
So here it is…without warranty
#!/usr/bin/env python
import requests
from pymodbus.payload import BinaryPayloadDecoder
from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusTcpClient as ModbusClient
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
#Define Modbus Target Device
client = ModbusClient('xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx',port=502)
client1 = mqtt.Client()
#MQTT server setup
client1.connect("xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", 1883, 60)
### ketel modbus input registers ###
result = client.read_discrete_inputs(0,15)
#print "result.bits = %s" % result.bits[4]
if result.bits[4]:
### pompvloer modbus input register 5 ###
if result.bits[5]:
### pomprad modbus input register 6 ###
if result.bits[6]:
I had the exact same problem, but I was able to work around it. Instead of using it as a “binary_sensor” you can use it as a “sensor”. This will give you a 0 for off or a 1 for on. You can then just use a sensor template to make it what you want and hide the original sensor. The first time I set it up the sensors were still out of order, but they fixed themselves after a reboot and have been staying in order every reboot since then.
Hi The solution is to correct
and add missing def at line 54:
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the sensor."""
return self._name
it should look like this
class ModbusCoilSensor(BinarySensorDevice):
“”“Modbus coil sensor.”""
def __init__(self, name, slave, coil):
"""Initialize the modbus coil sensor."""
self._name = name
self._slave = int(slave) if slave else None
self._coil = int(coil)
self._value = None
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the sensor."""
return self._name
def is_on(self):
"""Return the state of the sensor."""
return self._value
def update(self):
"""Update the state of the sensor."""
result = modbus.HUB.read_coils(self._slave, self._coil, 1)
self._value = result.bits[0]
it’s an mqtt enabled home automation project that enables you to send MQTT events from the plc itself, no more Modbus polling! You can even subscribe to topics to switch outputs