Modbus sensors scan_interval integration

In the official Modbus integration for HA (ModBus) in the section configuring sensor entities (Configuring sensor entities) is missing in my opinion a very important feature scan_interval in seconds.
This feature can be added in configuration yaml file but is not working.
This feature in very important in sensors because some of them have a update time of 1 second and those generate a very large ammount of db lines.

Turn off auto updates and make your own automations calling homeassistant.update. That is the recommended (official) solution as it stands. scan_interval is being deprecated.

How can I do this for a sensor?

Example: Google Maps Travel Time - Home Assistant (

I am using RTU over TCP for Modbus communication.
I also want to speed up polling.
Tried your suggestion. It did not work.
Polling interval of the modbus data is now 23 seconds.
The modbus data from the slaves is send via two ethernet converters.
Any suggestions?

You’ll need to elaborate. What did you try? I can’t help with modbus, but I can help you with your sensor update automation.

You put an example in your response.
When trying to get there. I made a mistake so it looked
I could not find the polling interval.
I found it now. (in general)
But which polling interval do I need to put on manual and rewrite to get a faster sensor polling?

Read the instructions in that link carefully: you need to disable the default polling (you enabled it) and then create an automation that calls HA’s update entity service with you entity as a parameter. As the trigger pick the time pattern trigger.

I disabled polling for updates of home assistant supervisor.
Then I made a automation that ever 9 seconds calls the service “HACI: update entity on home assistant supervisor”.
I did not change a thing. Still every 23 seconds.

There must be something wrong in the way I did it because also changing polling time to 1 minute does not change the time.

dear, may be you could help with it.

I have the problem that my binary_sensor (modbus) is not updating (not reading the actual value in spite of it is being changed)

that’s my binary_sensor setup (modbus):

and that’s my “update”

does someone have ideas, why I don’t get values update?

I wrote earlier that the polling time was 23 seconds.
This was correct, but the reason was probably the use of two separate RS485 to ethernet converters for the modbus communication.
After removing one and changing it to a RS485 to USB, and cleaning up the config file, the general polling went to 15 seconds and could be speeded up on one of the entities to 4 seconds. Using “scan_interval”. So for me problem solved.
From what I know now, I conclude that if it has to be fast and it is possible… use RS485 to USB serial communication for modbus.
And the “scan_interval” feature is working on individual entities.