Modbus switch for heatpump and heating rod

Hello guys,
i am struggling, with getting my home assistant modbus switches working.
Here are extracts from the heating manual:

I already successfully have configured all the sensors from modbus with:

  - name: heating_tcp
    type: tcp
    port: 502

And then tried different configs for the switches, but couldn’t get them working.
I also tried it by executing the service “write.modbus.register”, but could not switch it.

      - name: "Heizung Wärmepumpe Schalter"
        address: 30200
        command_on: 0x42C80000
        command_off: 0x00000000
        slave: 1
          input_type: holding
          address: 30200
          state_on: 0x42C80000
          state_off: 0x00000000
        unique_id: uniqueid_heizung_heatpump_switch
      - name: "Heizung Heizstab Schalter"
        address: 29600
        command_on: 0x42C80000
        command_off: 0x00000000
        slave: 1
        unique_id: uniqueid_heizung_quantum_switch

Can anyone please give me a hint for the right switch config.
As a second step i ould like to wrtire the manual percentage at register 30000.
Thank you, best regards!

Bump up, can someone please try to help me?
Would be awesome thanks!

Solved it with writing an array with an automation:

If anyone has working yaml config, would be great.