Hello to all,
my Name is Kay, i´m from Germany and i´m new here. In my House there is a working Wago 750 PLC which controls everything. For a long time i was searching for a Visualization for my Wago PLC. I like the Frontend from Home Assistant and i like to use it to visualize my Home. I don´t need the automation part of HASS because this is the Work from my PLC. After i install the HASS on my RPI 1 i tried to connect my Wago over Modbus. This works quite well. I can write bits and read registers. But i have three questions:
How can i seperate the Modbus Switch with 2 bits ? I have one bit ( 12298.0 ) for switching Light on. This bit will be reset by the PLC immediately. There is another bit which contains the Status of the Light ( 12298.1 ). How can i setup a switch with two bits ? One for write the 12298.0 bit and one for read the 12298.1 bit ?
Where can i change the Poll Rate for the Modbus Communication ?
One of my Modbus Device outputs the Value like this: 245. This Means 24,5°C. How can i convert this 245 that it appears on the Frontend as 24,5°C ?
Thanks in Advance