Hi there,
A post unrelated to my former about modbus CRC check fail.
I have this modbus description: https://github.com/nic6911/Wavin-AHC-9000-mqtt/blob/b9e5638a951d281ac381803fda26cd207f41ec68/doc/Wavin%20Modbus%20beskrivelse%20for%20AHC%209000%20styreenhed_14082013.pdf
And I am simply to stupid to figure out how to get data out of that unit. I cannot see through the way they build up their register set…
Say I want to read the air temperature in section 1.3.1 then from the examples in the back I need to give it a function code 0x43 to tell it that i want to read, a category 0x01, an index of 0x04 and a page of e.g. 0x00?
I cant figure out how to do that really. I know if I use the esphome modbus and request a write then that does not give it the function code 0x43 but 0x04 if I got the documentation right…?
I have seen that an implementation for the specific system has been made, but that has some dependencies that makes it cumbersome to add reading/writing of new registers + I would really like to learn how to access this correctly…
So if anyone out there would be willing to explain me what I am missing then I’ll be very grateful !
Thanks !