[model] is an invalid option for [display.st7789v] on TTGO T-Display

I have been trying to get this to work for some time and I am struggling to find documentation that works.
I have a TTGO T-Display but I keep getting an error on the model line.

Failed config

display.st7789v: [source /config/esphome/esphome-web-f19d1c.yaml:213]
  platform: st7789v
  [model] is an invalid option for [display.st7789v]. Please check the indentation.
  model: TTGO TDisplay 135x240 

in my YAML file I have this

Any help anyone could give me would be appreciated.

  - platform: st7789v
    model: TTGO_TDISPLAY_135X240  
    backlight_pin: GPIO4
    spi_id: spi_display
    cs_pin: GPIO5
    dc_pin: GPIO16
    reset_pin: GPIO23
    rotation: 0°

Not what the docs say.

@vattaylor what version of esphome are you running?

Must be wrong, or needs ‘quotes’ around model because it has spaces , this works for me, validator spits this raw config out:

- platform: st7789v
  model: TTGO_TDISPLAY_135X240
  id: lcd
  spi_id: spi_display
    number: 5
      output: true
      input: false
      open_drain: false
      pullup: false
      pulldown: false
    drive_strength: 20.0
    inverted: false
    number: 16
      output: true
      input: false
      open_drain: false
      pullup: false
      pulldown: false
    drive_strength: 20.0
    inverted: false
    number: 23
      output: true
      input: false
      open_drain: false
      pullup: false
      pulldown: false
    drive_strength: 20.0
    inverted: false
  rotation: 0
  update_interval: 1s

Interesting, yes the doc just looks wrong, with spaces in the model:

Thanks for all your help. I have found out that if I delete the model: line it works